DADE CITY – The Pasco County Planning Commission was favorable to a request March 6 from BDI Properties US LLC/TLE to develop a day-care center and veterinarian’s clinic.
BDI sought an exception so it could move forward with plans to construct two buildings on 2.08 acres at 31210 Wells Road. The site is vacant.
BDI wants to construct a 10,000-square-foot building to accommodate 160 day-care students and a 4,000-square-foot building for a vet clinic.
Michael Costello, of Collier Engineering & Design, said plans were to initially serve 200 students on the site but there was interest in having a vet clinic on the property.
The amount of traffic entering and leaving the property would be almost 50% less with the vet clinic, Costello said.
The change would also result in a significant reduction in the amount of traffic entering and leaving the property at peak times of the day, Costello said.
Access to the property will be from Curley Road, Wells Road and Eloian Avenue.
One of the conditions of approval for the exception was that the applicant would conduct a revised access analysis assuming no left turn in or out of the driveway connection onto Wells Road.
Also, the applicant would be required to have a small raised section of pavement, colloquially referred to as a “pork chop island,” placed in a way to prevent vehicles from turning left off of Wells Road to enter the site’s driveway.
No construction can occur on the site until the applicant has first submitted and received approval of a preliminary site plan.
Other business
In other business, the board recommended Pasco County commissioners approve a rezoning request from St Joe Walk Inc/St Joe Walk for 68.82 acres on the southeast corner of the Scharber Road and St. Joe Road intersection in northeast Pasco County.
The property is zoned ER-2 Estate-Residential District. The request is rezone it as E-R Estate-Residential District.
This would allow for the future creation of single-family lots being one acre or larger in size while conforming to the existing Future Land Use designation, RES-1.
Section 403 of the land development code requires owners/applicants to submit a preliminary site plan or preliminary development plan for review and approval prior to the development or redevelopment of the property.
County commissioners will consider this rezoning request April 9 in Dade City.
The board also put off a decision until April 3 for a rezoning request made by Evans County Line 80 MPUD Master Planned Unit Development – Evans Properties\ Inc.
Evans wants to develop 300 multi-family units (condominiums and platted townhomes), 100,000 square feet of commercial and 1,500,000 square feet of light industrial on 80 acres zoned for Agricultural District.
The property is on the east side of Lake Iola Road, 0.53 miles south of County Line Road North, and north of the Lake Iola Road/Blanton Road intersection.