Corley issues warning
Pasco County Supervisor of Elections Brian Corley has issued a warning that The Voter Participation Center (VPC) again has launched a voter registration mail campaign targeting Pasco County voters, according to a news release from Corley’s office.
The mail campaign contains “inaccurate information that is often alarming and confusing,” the release says.
Previously, these mailings “have been sent to family members who are deceased, their pets and underage children, and adult children who no longer reside or never resided in the household or the state of Florida,” the release adds.
“The mailings that reach eligible voters often arouse suspicion because they are already registered and feel that their registration has somehow been compromised,” the release continues.
Corley also noted that “VPC has also begun text messaging voters in advance of the mailing using an outdated list of phone numbers. We have already received reports that the messages are addressed to people who no longer have the phone number.”
The supervisor of elections also observed: “Our experience has been that VPC tactics further erode voter confidence at a time when the security of our elections is in the forefront. Please know that these organizations are in no way affiliated with my office.”
Pasco voters can register online at They also can update their status there, too.
They can check their voter registration status online at
For additional information or assistance, call (800) 851-8754.
Wesley Chapel Republican Club
The Wesley Chapel Republican Club meets at Wesley Chapel Toyota, 5300 Eagleston Blvd, Wesley Chapel, on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. The meeting features speakers, networking, coffee and dessert. New members and guests are welcome. For more information, contact Peter Cracchiolo (813) 360-9813.
More candidates vying for Pasco County offices
Alison Crumbley has pre-filed in the race of Pasco County School Board, District 4. The school board is a nonpartisan race. No one has filed so far to challenge the incumbent.
Mike Fasano has pre-filed for the office of tax collector. So far, the Republican incumbent does not face any challengers.