Wiregrass Ranch High School believes comedy and cross-country means some cash for their sports program.

(Courtesy of TommyJComedy.com)
On Sept. 7, the school’s cross-country teams will benefit from a comedy show at Side Splitters Comedy Club, 12938 N. Dale Mabry Highway. The weekend’s headliner, Tommy Johnagin, will perform at the 7 p.m. show, with 70 percent of admission receipts going to the school.
According to Side Splitters general manager Brian Thompson, having a comedy fundraiser is a good way to raise money and have a good time doing it.
“It’s a nice way for the parents to get out and generate some money for whatever event they’re raising for specifically,” Thompson said. Wiregrass Ranch has had fundraisers at Side Splitters in the past, and the comedy club has also had events benefiting other groups.”
The audience can seat 250, and has the potential to bring in thousands of dollars in fundraisers, he said.
Those funds would be welcome, since maintaining good teams can be expensive. It can cost between $4,000 and $6,000 each season to meet all expenses and maintain adequate funds in reserve, according to boys coach Chris Loth. Several rounds of T- shirts and meet entry fees can add up, with an awards ceremony thrown in as well.
Wiregrass Ranch also charters a bus for one meet each season. The school will use it this year to compete in Tallahassee.
As a result, Wiregrass Ranch must get creative with their fundraising, and pairing up with a comedy club seemed like a good fit.
“We have very supportive families and friends and alumni who are going to come out,” Loth said. “So we thought it would be a good night to get some of the families together without the kids, and have a good time and raise some money as a result.”
A fan of stand-up comedy, Loth is familiar with the club and the headlining comedian. He saw Johnagin at a local stop a few years back, and thought his style would be a good fit for the event. Johnagin is a regular on late-night talk shows, and placed second in an earlier season of “Last Comic Standing” on NBC.
If the event does well for the school, Loth said it could become part of their regular fundraising efforts. The Bulls already host a 5-kilometer run, sell advertising space on their T-shirts, and partner with a merchandiser to raise money.
It’s important to stay creative with fundraising and not fall into a routine, he said.
“Our philosophy is we don’t want to do the same thing every single year,” Loth said. “We want to give lots of different people the ability to participate and reach a lot of different folks.”
Loth is hoping for a sellout on Sept. 7, and could see doing a similar event every other year if it’s successful.
The school would be happy to see the event match the success of the teams themselves. Wiregrass Ranch is known to have successful cross-country programs for both boys and girls. They’re considered one of the top teams in Pasco County, and have a number of top 10 finishes at the state meet to their credit.
The parents have been very supportive of the team and they expect to have a successful fundraising evening at the comedy club, Loth said. As a close-knit group, he feels like everyone does their part of make sure the teams, and the program in general, maintain a level of success.
“We ask a lot of ourselves, and in turn ask a lot of our parents and they always come through for us,” Loth said. “We try to make it a family, and family supports each other with whatever you’re trying to accomplish.”
Comedians Alex Stone and Krishna Reddy also will perform.
For more information and to buy tickets, visit SideSplittersComedy.com. Tickets purchased on the website also benefit Wiregrass Ranch’s cross-country teams.
Published September 3, 2014
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