Soldiers returning from the Vietnam War often faced hostility and scorn.
An event commemorating the 50th anniversary of that war had a much different tone.
Here, those who served their country were regarded with respect, and their sacrifices were honored and celebrated.
About 150 people turned out for the event, hosted by American Legion Post 108, at the Plantation Palms Golf Club.
Veterans, family members and others gathered for the event, at which 44 Vietnam veterans were honored.
Tribute also was paid to those who did not return from the war — through displays in the room and the symbolic “Missing Man” table.
American Legion Post 108 Commander Randy Holeyfield welcomed those gathered, and Tampa’s American Legion Post 5 provided the ceremonial color guard and honor guard duties.
U.S. Marine Corps veteran Dan Biser, of Lutz, offered the opening prayer, and retired U.S. Marines Corps Maj. Gen. James Hartsell spoke on “Keeping the Legacy Alive.” Hartsell is the executive director of the Florida Department of Veteran Affairs.
The atmosphere at the event was one of dignity, respect, honor and pride.
Published May 11, 2022