Big changes are coming to the air conditioning industry ever since the Department of Energy announced the new SEER2 rating. Read on to learn more about this change and what Cornerstone Pros is doing about it.
Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) is the way an air conditioner is rated for its energy efficiency. SEER is the ratio of the total heat removed from the air-conditioned space during the annual cooling season divided by the total electrical energy consumed by the air conditioner during the same season. The higher the SEER rating, the less energy it takes to run the system and keep your house cool.
Starting on Jan. 1, 2023, the Department of Energy (DOE) is changing the way heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are tested by introducing a new SEER rating called: SEER2. The federal minimum SEER will increase by 1 point for all regions.
According to, “to meet requirements in the southeast region, residential central air systems below 45,000 British Thermal Unit (Btu) must have a SEER2 rating of 14.3 (15.0 SEER). Residential central air systems 45,000 Btu and above must have a SEER rating of 13.8 (14.5 SEER). In addition, heat pumps in any region must meet 14.3 SEER2 (15.0 SEER).”
So, how does this affect homeowners?
“With this new act, all manufacturers have to re-rate all their lines of equipment,” says Dana Spears, owner of Cornerstone Pros.
“A lot of the manufacturers have gone in and re-manufactured the equipment for the SEER2 ratings. We’re being told we’re going to see a 20% to 40% price increase in 2023.”
What Spears is also finding is that a lot of homebuilders are buying the equipment in bulk, so service-based providers like Cornerstone Pro, are having a difficult time finding equipment.
“There’s already been shortages anyway for the industry due to COVID and shipping costs, so we’re already seeing shortages, but now with this big change coming in, we’re also probably going to have some limited supplies on these new changeovers, and phase-outs and phase-ins,” says Spears.
“It’s something the homeowners need to know.”
The good news is, Cornerstone Pros is a Carrier dealer. Carrier was founded by Willis Carrier, who invented modern air conditioning in 1902.
“Carrier has been on the forefront because they had rated a lot of their equipment higher to begin with. When they went into their re-ratings, they didn’t have to make a lot of adjustments to their products,”says Spears.
“They’re very prepared for this transition, so we’re thankful for that. We feel that the Carrier brand and the Cornerstone brand go hand-in-hand as far as quality and meeting customers’ expectations.”
Cornerstone Pros is still allowed to install any heat pump systems made at the 2022 pricing, until the company runs out of that equipment. Then, it will have to charge the 2023 pricing. As for the Straight Cool Split System A/Cs, Cornerstone Pros will have to go straight into the SEER2 pricing.
Reflecting on all the changes in the world these last couple of years, Spears recognizes that this SEER2 is another bump in the road for all parties.
“We empathize, and are dedicated and committed to continue to serve our customers through these different phrases,” says Spears.
Spears recommends if you’re looking to replace your A/C unit to do it as soon as possible, before the prices increase.
For more information on the SEER2 changes and to learn how Cornerstone Pros can help you navigate through it,, or call 813-945-7891.