A K-8 charter school could open as early as this fall in Epperson, if all goes according to plan.
The Pasco County School Board has approved an agreement with Metro Apple LLC and Red Apple Development LLC — known collectively as the developer — for a charter school that is planned on the east side of Curley Road.
Details regarding the school are spelled out in the agreement.
Plans call for a two-story school of approximately 55,000 square feet, that will be built on a site of about 8 acres to 10 acres.
The charter school will have a capacity of 765 students.
The proposed concept for the school is based on the acronym of W.I.S.H., which stands for Wellness, Innovation, Science and Health.
The aim is to open the school for the 2020 school year.
The charter school will be built to the state standards, certified by a third-party architect. It will not include any hurricane shelter requirements.
Once construction is completed and students are enrolled, the entity that paid for the design, permitting and construction of the school shall be entitled to school impact fee credits, for the land and facility portion of the impact fee only.
The maximum amount of any fee credits and the cash reimbursement for all design, construction and land costs shall be $18.2 million. Land value for fee credits or cash reimbursements shall be based on a fair market value appraisal obtained by the developer.
Published January 22, 2020
Kelly Race says
Need to enroll my children .your school looks amazing