Crews Lake Wilderness Park just got a new amenity — and this one is towering.
A new 25-foot-tall, three-story observation tower, completed in February, offers stunning views of Crews Lake and the 113-acre park’s gardens, forest and marshlands.
The project took six months to complete and cost roughly $600,000. The project’s funding came from Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program grant and Pasco County’s voter-approved general obligation bond.
The tower is accessible from a 330-foot sidewalk, leading to it from the park’s parking lot. The tower’s base is 32 feet by 30 feet, its first-story platform is 16 feet by 30 feet, and its second-story platform is 8 feet by 30 feet.
The structure can sustain hurricane-power winds of up to 143 mph.
The park, at 16739 Crews Lake Drive, Spring Hill, is open seven days a week, from dawn to dusk.