Most of us don’t take enough opportunities to spend time with friends and family. Busy schedules and money always are obstacles to breaking our routines and doing something different.
So when something comes up that looks like fun, I want to tell you about it in this column.

(Courtesy of Capitol Theatre)
But it’s not for everybody.
If you have an unlimited budget and money is no object, this isn’t the place for you. You’ll have no trouble finding fun things to do on your own. And if you have nothing but free time and can go anywhere at a moment’s notice, you don’t need to read this column.
In fact, why are you even reading this column right now? Just board your private jet and head to Paris or Barcelona, and enjoy your weekend.
But if you’re like most of the rest of us, you have to fit things into a tight schedule — and it has to fit a tight budget, too. It needs to be worth your time and go easy on your wallet.
There aren’t too many things like that, but there are still a few out there. And it’s my job to find them for you.
This week I’m going to tell you about an opportunity to go to the movies. Sounds boring, you say? Movies today are usually overpriced and underwhelming?
Well, this isn’t a typical night at the theater. These are movies you already know you like. And it’s a double feature, so you’re seeing two great movies for one price. And that price is cheaper than a regular movie.
Oh, the venue is much more interesting than a normal movie theater, too.
Sound better? Great. Then let me introduce you to Capitol Theatre, 405 Cleveland St., in Clearwater. It’s probably been around longer than you have: It opened in 1921 with a Mediterranean Revival facade that really helped it stand out. And after nearly $10 million in recent renovations, it maintains its classic style with modern upgrades.
So it’s a fun place to see a movie. Or two movies. On select dates this month, they’re showing double features of popular modern classics. For example, one night they’re pairing up “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and “Alien.” On another, it’s “Grease” and “American Graffiti.” Then they’re showing “Rocky” and “Rocky II” together.
And each night, it’s just $7 to see them both.
Now, some of you might be thinking, “Hey, I can watch some of those movies at home for free. Sometimes they’re even on television.” Well, have you ever seen these movies on the big screen? If you have, you know it’s not the same. And if you haven’t, this is a chance to finally see the original versions the way the filmmakers intended.
That kind of atmosphere makes great movies even greater.
Besides, where’s your sense of adventure? Why sit at home when for $7 you could take a friend or a loved one to a historic theater and see something you know you’ll enjoy?
Two somethings, actually. It’s a double feature, remember? That’s a great deal, and cheap enough that it justifies a little drive time to get there.
By the way, this is a pretty cool date idea, too. You could spend a lot more money seeing one movie you might end up hating, or you could see two films you like, and keep some cash in your pocket. I bet your date will notice your creativity and wise financial decisions. That’s how you make a good impression in my book.
But there are only a few chances to catch this deal. “Close Encounters” and “Alien” are showing Sept. 6., “Grease” and “American Graffiti” are scheduled for Sept. 19, and the Rocky movies will be shown on Sept. 27.
The first film starts each night at 7.
For more information, call (727) 791-7400 or visit
If you know of an inexpensive, fun thing to do, let me know at But please, keep it cheap. We’re on a budget here.
Published September 3, 2014
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