Special to The Laker / Lutz News
“The human ear is a fascinating organ. The only organ of the human anatomy that can be both adorned by jewelry and improved electronically,” observes Dr. Judith L. Reese, Audiologist with JC Audiology & Hearing Aids in Lutz. “Every human ear, like fingerprints, is unique.” Dr. Reese continues. “Just as with every individual’s hearing loss.”
Dr. Reese has dedicated her life to helping people with their hearing. Before opening up her clinic in Lutz in 2005, she worked with thousands of hearing-impaired veterans in Veterans Administration hospitals. Now, the number of patients she serves in her JC Audiology clinic is in the thousands.
“One in three people over the age of 60 have hearing loss,” she notes. “And recent research reveals that those who have hearing loss and who do not treat it by wearing hearing aids are prone to more cognitive difficulties than those who do wear hearing aids.”
Other research has shown that those who have untreated hearing loss experience a decreased quality of life, accompanied by sadness, anxiety, depression and poor social relationships. These disadvantages can be easily remedied with hearing aids, and it is the reason why hearing professionals designate the month of May as Better Hearing Month.
“Of course, every month is Better Hearing Month at JC Audiology,” says Dr. Reese. “We are constantly focused on our patients’ unique needs and matching them with the latest technology in hearing.” Recently, hearing aid technology has advanced to include greater connectivity with other electronic devices, such as cell phones and TVs. Dr. Reese works with the manufacturers who are pioneers in engineering the highest quality hearing devices.
Those manufacturers acknowledge that while they can create the best hearing aids in the world, they work ideally when matched by the human touch and skill of the audiologist whose expertise in testing, fitting and care makes for an optimal hearing experience.
“Today’s hearing aids use more computer power than your personal computer did just a few years ago,” explainsDr. Reese. “Like computers, they often need tech support. Unlike computers, hearing aids endure the most challenging environments any consumer electronic device could face. Ears and people are unique, and ears are the neural pathways to the brain. It’s not brain surgery, but it is as close to improving the brain as anything else!”
JC Audiology & Hearing Aids
1541 Dale Mabry Hwy., Ste 201 • Lutz
813.949.1331 • www.jc-audiology.com
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