Joey accomplished what many in his family could not before him
By Kyle LoJacono
Staff Writer
LUTZ — Joey Vars, of Boy Scouts of America Troop 12 in Lutz, has been working toward becoming an Eagle Scout for 10 years.

“I’m the first person in my family to become an Eagle Scout,” the 16-year-old said. “My dad (Ken Vars), uncle (Roger Vars Jr.) and grandfather (Roger Vars) were all in scouts. Because none of them were Eagles, they told me from the beginning how cool it would be for me to make it all the way. That inspired me from the beginning.”
Joey’s 10-year journey began as a Tiger Cub, the earliest rank boys can begin in scouting, with Cub Scout Pack 323 in Land O’ Lakes. Cub Scouts is a part of BSA and is designed for elementary school kids.
Joey’s goal was completed Sept. 1 when he passed his Eagle Board of Review, something that was especially rewarding for his father.
“I got up to Life Scout and was one merit badge shy of getting Eagle,” Ken said. “I didn’t get the swimming merit badge because my birthday is in April and I grew up in upstate New York. It is kind of hard to get a swimming merit badge in the dead of winter. That was my fault for bad planning, but Joey got his Eagle with plenty of time to spare.”
Scouts must complete all Eagle Scout requirements before turning 18.
The Board of Review is the last step in becoming an Eagle and is a lengthy interview process about scouting, current events and the potential Eagle Scout. As many as six board members interview the scout, none of which can be a leader from the scout’s troop or one of the scout’s family.

While everything discussed is confidential, Joey was able to share how he felt during the process.
“It was a little nerve-wracking,” Joey said. “I stumbled over myself a couple times in the beginning, but I guess I recovered. At the end, it was just such a relief to know that I was finally an Eagle.”
Joey’s current Scout Master, Daniel O’Dea, said he felt special seeing him achieve the award.
“I thought the (review) went well,” O’Dea said. “Joey is very good at carrying on a conversation. The board went longer than the others I’ve been in, which I contribute to Joey’s knowledge of current events. Joey was the second scout to get Eagle while I’ve been Scout Master, and he earned it.”
O’Dea has been the Scout Master with Troop 12 since 2006. Joey’s first Scout Master was Stephen Rivera.
Another major step in becoming an Eagle Scout is completing an Eagle Project. Joey chose to refurbish the Lutz Cemetery, off US 41 just north of the old Lutz Schoolhouse, and re-do the landscaping. Joey and other scouts with an adult leader spent 144 hours on the project.
While the project was successfully completed in April, it had problems getting off the ground.
“When we started, we went to six different landscaping companies thinking at least one would call us back, but none did,” Joey said. “That was the biggest problem I had. We finally found one that was very nice and generous to us.”
Be-Mac’s Services in Odessa supplied Joey with the mulch, plants and other materials needed for the project.
Over his time scouting, Joey was the assistant senior patrol leader (the second-highest leadership position in a troop), a patrol and assistant patrol leader and troop historian.
“Joey has never been afraid of leadership,” O’Dea said. “Joey was always willing to help the other boys and recently taught the astronomy merit badge to several of the boys and did a fine job.”
What Ken has been most proud of is Joey’s determination at his goal.
“It’s been amazing to me that he has stayed on track and been so focused,” Ken said. “It is really easy for a 16-year-old to get distracted with other things. He has also become more sure of himself, which I attribute to scouting.”
While Joey earned the award, many people helped him on his journey.
“Mr. Rivera and Mr. O’Dea have both had a profound impact in my Boy Scout years,” Joey said. “Both of them are just great role models for anyone.
“And, of course, my parents have been right there helping me since I was in Cub Scouts. They have helped me in more ways than I can remember and I couldn’t have done it without them.”
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