Four throw their hats in for annual charity campaign
By Kyle LoJacono
Each year the Guv’na race brings attention to Lutz and thousands of dollars to local charities. Last year the four candidates brought in more than $3,000, with Stephanie Ensor claiming the coveted title.
The candidate who raises the most money by the Lutz Independence Day celebration is declared the winner. All the money collected is given back to area charities, such as the Boy and Girl Scout groups, the Civil Air Patrol and for scholarships for local children.

To be eligible, Guv’na candidates need to either live or work in Lutz. The 2011 field is now set with four candidates: Annette Bellingar, Mitch Smithey, Sheila Tramontana and Kevin Wright.
Annette Bellingar
The Lutz-Land O’ Lakes Women’s Club has a candidate in the Guv’na race. Annette Bellingar is the club’s historian and decided to run for the same reason she joined the organization.
“I joined the Women’s Club to do some good for the community and running for Guv’na would just be another string in my bow,” Bellingar said. “I don’t have a business in the community, so my focus is more about the community of Lutz. It’s going to be a lot of fun”
Bellingar said her main focus will be to increase awareness of the Guv’na race to bring in even more money than last year.
She also has a less than serious goal if elected.
“I will move the railway so it goes through Zephyrhills so we don’t have to hear it at night,” Bellingar said with a laugh.
Bellingar moved to Lutz 2.5 years ago from England, where she had been a math teacher. She has been married to David for 2.5 years. For more information on her upcoming fundraising events, search Annette Bellingar for Lutz Guv’na on Facebook.
Mitchell Smithey
Mitchell Smithey is the only candidate not from Lutz. He is from Carrollwood, but he has taught at Lutz Elementary the last five years as an exceptional student education instructor.
“I first heard about the Guv’na race when Terri Burgess won three years ago,” Smithey said. “We worked together and I didn’t really understand it at first. I got into it and helped her fundraise and thought it was really fun.”
Smithey said what pushed him over the top in deciding to run was helping out at last year’s Lutz Independence Day celebration and also after seeing the 2009 Guv’na Suzin Carr do a number of events in the area.
“My main goal is to try and get more community involvement from the kids in the area,” Smithey said. “That way the younger group of people will grow up liking the tradition and will continue it when they get older.”
His first fundraising event is a carwash on Saturday, May 21 from10 a.m.-1 p.m. at Bay Cities Bank, 18315 US 41 in Lutz. The dirtiest car in Lutz will get a prize.
Smithey has been married to Frances for eight years. The couple has two daughters, Sarah, 6, and Laura, 4.
Smithey said he will be updating his personal Facebook account with upcoming fundraising events. He can also be reached at for those interested in donating to his campaign.
Sheila Tramontana
Sheila Tramontana has lived in Lutz for 30 years. She owns her own photography business, Sheila T Photography. Tramontana said she has always known about the race, but never had the time to run for it herself.
“I had some friends say I should run,” Tramontana said. “I finally can put the time in so I said why not.”
Tramontana said her main focus will be to raise as much money for local charities as possible while helping promote Lutz businesses. She also has a not so serious plan to get Lutz more attention.
“I want to see the name Lutz painted on our water tower by Winn-Dixie,” Tramontana said with a laugh. “Every other small town has its name on the water tower and we should too. It would be a great way to parade Lutz’s name out there.”
Tramontana has been married to Robert for 30 years. The couple has three children, Robert, 29; Matt, 27; and Melissa, 23. For more information on her campaign, search Sheila Tramontana for Lutz Guv’na on Facebook.
“Things are really tough right now, so anything anyone can donate will help,” Tramontana said. “It all goes to the same good causes, so give what you can.”
//Kevin Wright
Kevin Wright has lived in Lutz for 21 years and is a partner of the restaurant Splash! An Ocean Grill. He said he has known about the Guv’na race for years and always wanted to give it a shot.
“I talked about it with my wife (Kelly) and we thought it was a good time to try,” Wright said. “I was actually the last person to sign up, so I got in just under the wire.”
Wright said the charitable aspect of the Guv’na race is very important to him, but there are other reasons for running.
“We have a really special charm here in Lutz that I’ve come to recognize during the last 21 years,” Wright said. “I would feel like I was missing something if I didn’t give it a try.”
Wright said his main focus if he becomes Guv’na is to support local businesses.
“Those are our neighbors and friends and we should do what we can to give them our business,” Wright said. “I’ve got some ideas to help bring in some more traffic to all our businesses here.”
Wright has two daughters, Cierra, 9, and Taylor, 7. For more information on his campaign, search Kevin Wright for Lutz Guv’na on Facebook.
A look into the past of the Lutz Guv’na race
Most people in Lutz have heard of the Guv’na race, but few know the history of how the charitable campaign got its start.
The Lutz Guv’na race began in 1991 as a way to raise money for area charities while bringing the community together. The first winner of the race was Jo Van Bebber, according to Phyllis Hoedt of the Lutz-Land O’ Lakes Women’s Club.
“It’s a great way to have a good time while bringing in money for important nonprofit groups,” said Eleanor Cecil, who has been a member of the Lutz Civic Association for 11 years. “The race is sort of a spoof and we say it is the only honest campaign in America. We tell people up front that the candidate who raises the most money wins.”
Donations to potential guv’nas can be made right up until the winner is announced at the Lutz Independence Day celebration at Bullard Park in front of the Lutz Branch Library.
The Civic Association is in charge of the Guv’na race and decides where the donations are allocated, but the Women’s Club gives some support during the process.
The candidate who raised the most money ever during a campaign was Michele Northrup in 2007 when she managed to bring in $17,000, according to Cecil.
In 2010, the total brought in by the race was $11,786 when Suzin Carr won. The amount dropped to just more than $3,000 last year.
To be eligible for the position, Guv’na candidates need to either live or work in Lutz. People can run for the position even after winning, but there has never been a two-time winner.
Past and present Lutz Guv’na winners
Year Name
2010 Stephanie Ensor
2009 Suzin Carr
2008 Terri Burgess
2007 Michele Northrup
2006 Edwina Kraemer
2005 Liz Iaconetti
2004 Dean Rivett
2003 Joni Cagle
2002 Brett Montegny
2001 Helen Kinyon
2000 Vince Arcuri
1999 Danny Neeley
1998 Sandy Ruberg
1997 Earl Smith
1996 Ben Nevel
1995 Kay Dahman
1994 Lorraine Dabney
1993 Leslie Dennison
1992 Betty Neeley
1991 Jo Van Bebber
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