By Shannon Edinger
The Lutz Patriots take pride in their mission statement — “to encourage patriotism in the community” — as they gather in front of the Old Lutz School every Friday to wave their American flags to drivers on US 41. Veterans Day on Nov. 11 is a reminder that America would not be where it is today without its soldiers.

Barbara Mueller and Karen Williams co-founded the Lutz Patriots in March 2003 to instill a sense of patriotism in the community. One of the original Lutz Patriots, Bruce Hockensmith, is an Army veteran who fought in Germany from 1965-1968 during the Vietnam era. He started with the Bayshore Patriots years ago, but after reading about the two women in Lutz, he decided to join the Lutz Patriots since it was closer to his home.
The group was large at first, but it has become smaller over time. About 7-10 people, mainly retired, come out on a weekly basis. Hockensmith says the group is more sociable because it is relatively small. “It’s a good group to be around,” Hockensmith said.
The Lutz Patriots are a grassroots community organization. They send care packages to the troops about four times a year. The care packages contain miscellaneous items such as food and toiletries, and typically weigh about 50-55 pounds. Donations are always welcome. The Lutz Patriots are hopeful to receive donations from the community before Nov. 20, when they will ship care packages to the troops.
Hockensmith stresses that the Lutz Patriots are not political. The focus is patriotism. “Most people who drive by will honk, flash their lights, or wave flags out their sunroofs. About 75 to 80 percent are doing something positive or showing support,” Hockensmith says. “We had a protestor a year ago who thought we were a political organization, but when he realized we just wanted to bring awareness to the public, he stopped protesting.”
Hockensmith devotes his Friday afternoons to the Lutz Patriots. He knows the care packages they send can brighten the day of any soldier. Hockensmith relives his time in the army when he says, “They live for mail call.” He knows that if receiving letters and care packages in the mail boosts their spirits for a couple hours, it is all worth it. “They do what they do for their country, not for recognition.” Hockensmith says that when soldiers are recognized for their service from people they do not know, they are rewarded with the recognition that they modestly did not ask to receive.”
According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the purpose of Veterans Day is to honor veterans for their patriotism, love of their country and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. The Lutz Patriots show patriotism by flag waving and sending care packages to soldiers. Hockensmith said patriotism is doing what you can for your country, on Veterans Day and every other day.
While the Patriots have no plans specifically for Veterans Day, look for them back on the highway the following day, when their Friday afternoon tradition continues.
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