A rezoning has been approved on approximately 90 acres to clear the way for light industrial and commercial development, near the northeast corner of the intersection of Interstate 75 and Blanton Road.
The Pasco County Commission unanimously approved changing the zoning on the land from agricultural, agricultural resident and general commercial to general commercial and light industrial.
The applicant proposes to develop the southern 14.66-acre portion of the property in conformance with general commercial standards and the northern 74.41-acre
portion of the property in conformance with the light industrial park standards.
The applicant has volunteered to record these deed restrictions:
- Commercial uses in the general commercial district shall not exceed 140,000 square feet
- Multi-family apartments are prohibited
- No auto towing services are allowed, or the connected storage of vehicles
- No yard trash disposal facilities are allowed
- No construction and demolition debris disposal facilities are allowed
- Truck stops shall be prohibited
On the light industrial portion of the property, restrictions include:
- Light industrial uses are capped at 500,000 square feet
- No yard trash disposal facilities are allowed
- No construction and demolition debris disposal facilities are allowed
Some conditions also spell out how the property should be developed.
For instance:
- The architectural design of building facades facing I-75 shall include windows at ground level and/or at clerestory and shall not include overhead doors.
- Outside storage of any materials, supplies, or products shall not be permitted in the front of any structure
- When outside storage is exposed to I-75, these areas shall be screened to a height at least 1-foot higher than the highest material being screened
- Loading docks, utility meters, HVAC equipment, trash dumpsters, trash compaction, and other service functions shall be incorporated into the overall design of the primary building using screening walls of compatible material, style and color.
Edward Dutkiewicz, appearing for Cynthia Dutkiewicz of 32710 Blueberry Hill Way in Dade City, outlined seven reasons why the rezoning should be denied.
Attorney Barbara Wilhite, representing the applicant, said Dutkiewicz’s objections were a misapplication of language from the county’s comprehensive land use plan.
She also pointed out the rezoning prohibits multifamily development.
“We thought the better use of the property was to have no residential, to maximize the use of the property for the employment-generating uses,” Wilhite said.
Commissioner Mike Moore spoke in favor of the rezoning.
“We talk about wanting and needing more industrial for the county. Unfortunately, we’re actually losing many industrial sites, where people are rezoning from industrial sites to something that’s not a job-creating site. And this is right on Interstate 75, which is obviously the access you want for tractor-trailer trucks,” Moore said. “This is exactly what you want to do at an interstate interchange.”
Commissioner Kathryn Starkey agreed with Moore’s assessment — calling the proposed site a great location for that type of use.
Published February 17, 2021
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