By Samantha Taylor
Here we are in 2011 — and doesn’t it seem like it was just the new millennium? And now, another 11 years. Are you still struggling with some of the same things you said you wanted to overcome then? I am, too.
One of the categories is honestly trying to keep my closet free of clothes on the ground. But there are some things I have overcome and below are some tips for how to make your goals happen in 2011.
I learned these from personal experience and from coaching thousands of people to success with their health. The first four are the most critical, so if you want to keep it simple and just focus on those, it will help you.
Be clear on what you want — to start on a goal you need to know exactly what you want. Don’t be vague, be very clear. If your goal is weight loss, get specific. Don’t just say, “I want to lose weight.” Instead, say “I want to lose 30 pounds by March 31.”
1. Make a decision that the outcome of the goal is important to you. You need to have purpose behind that goal to drive you and propel you when things get challenging.
2. Write them down. I know, I know. This seems cliché, but there is some kind of power in writing it down when you take it from your mind and put it to ink on paper.
3. Look at them daily. What good is it if you write it down but don’t look at it? I don’t know how many goal-setting workshops I went to, only to find the goals I had written down in a drawer a year later. I realized then that I was no closer to accomplishing those priorities because I keep them in front of me.
4. Break them down into more manageable goals. Having short-term and long-term goals helps. If you have 100 pounds to lose, start with a long-term goal of 100 pounds and a short-term goal of losing the first 10 pounds.
5. Set a deadline. It helps to have a deadline of when you want to accomplish something. Make sure you are realistic so that you do not set yourself up for failure.
6. Track your progress. You need to know if what you are doing is working so you can change it if it’s not.
7. Adjust your method if it’s not working. If you notice you are not progressing, you need to change your method. Why keep doing something if it’s not working?
8. Have accountability. This can be a huge part of success. Some of the greatest accomplishments I have had in life are when I had accountability. Make sure it’s someone that is not going to just let you off the hook and say, “Awe, forget it, let’s go pig out at the movies!”
9. Focus on the positive, believing you can do it. You need to have a positive attitude about your ability to accomplish the goal. A negative, defeatist attitude can propel you to not succeed. Believe in yourself and focus.
10. Celebrate your success; reward yourself. This is the fun part. Set a reward for yourself when you accomplish your goals. Have mini rewards for your short-term goals and big rewards for your long-term goals. When you lose the first 10 pounds, reward yourself with a massage, facial or golfing — whatever you would normally put off for a special occasion.
11. When you actually apply these tips, you will see results, possibly more than you ever have before. Then when 2012 comes, you won’t be looking at the same obstacles in life but can conquer new ones. You can look in the mirror and say “Oh YES, I did it!”
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