The Old Lutz School taught area students for decades. Now, as a recognized historic site, it’s delivering another kind of lesson during the holidays.
The 18th annual Christmas at the Old Lutz School, 18819 U.S. 41 N., has all the things residents might expect from a traditional holiday event: Music, cookies, hot chocolate, trains, and plenty of Christmas-themed decorations including nutcrackers and trees.

“We never miss it. We make it part of our holiday,” said Suzin Carr, a two-time Lutz Guv’na.
Her family has attended the event since they moved to the area in 2003, and it had such a positive effect on her when they arrived, she wanted to do more for the community. As a result, she ended up a multi-term winner of the ceremonial title.
While it might not make everyone run for Lutz Guv’na, Carr said there’s a lot to enjoy at the school’s holiday event. One room is devoted to a pair of private train collections with elaborate figures and scenes that took weeks to set up. Another room showcases a variety of Christmas trees, decorated by members of the community and different organizations.
Outside, refreshments will be served free of charge. The school also will have collection barrels for people to donate food or toys to brighten up the holidays for the less fortunate.
It takes a lot of work to put together a holiday event spanning several nights, but the school has a dedicated group of volunteers who make things happen. The Citizens for the Old Lutz School Building work year-round to keep the landmark looking nice, and prepare it for special events where residents can enjoy part of community history.
“You get such a feel for the hard work volunteers put in to make it so special for people,” Carr said. “There’s no event without them.”
In addition to the school’s regular supporters, newer faces have been chipping in to make the event special as well. She singled out students at nearby Steinbrenner High School as active participants, and said it’s good to see younger people helping the regular volunteers to make the holiday event a success.
Breakfast with Santa is one part of the Christmas program at the Old Lutz School that’s always a success. This year, it will be from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., on Dec. 13.
There will be food and crafts available for purchase, activities, and a chance for children to meet Santa, of course.
While people tend to file in and out of the regular Christmas event, and attendance can vary based on live performances, there’s no doubt of the drawing power of Kris Kringle — even in the morning.
“Breakfast with Santa is huge,” Carr said.
Whether it’s a holiday-themed breakfast, or a casual stroll through a piece of Lutz history, Carr said the annual event is a good way to visit an important part of the community, and spend an evening enjoying a more traditional celebration of the holiday season. Some people drop by on several evenings because of the variety of musicians and singing groups who appear throughout the event.
“The great thing about it is there’s different entertainment every night,” Carr said. “It’s a chance to step back and enjoy some very simple pleasures in the community.”
The school will be open from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., each night of the event. Christmas at the Old Lutz School will run Dec. 11, Dec. 13-14, Dec. 16, Dec. 18, Dec. 20-21, Dec. 26-28.
For more information, visit, or call Phyllis Hoedt at (813) 949-1937.
Published December 10, 2014
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