Pasco County property owners will pay the same tax rate as they did last year, but their property bill could rise, if the value of their property has increased.
The Pasco County Commission had its first public hearing on the county’s budget for fiscal year 2019 on Sept. 4.
The board’s final budget hearing is set for Sept. 17 at 6:30 p.m., at the West Pasco Government Center Board Room, 8731 Citizen Drive in New Port Richey.
The tax rates, which will remain the same, are at 7.6076 for the county’s operations and 1.8036 for fire services.
The board can reduce the millage rates at its final public hearing on Sept. 17, but cannot increase the rate.
The tentative budget for the fiscal year is comprised of 69 separate funds, with a total budget of $1,349,683,373, including fund balances, reserves and net assets.
Here is a summary of the tentative budgeted expenditures for 2019:
- General government: $215,650,048
- Public safety: $232,689,204
- Physical environment: $218,163,923
- Transportation: $126,265,565
- Economic environment: $26,587,512
- Human services: $15,499,611
- Culture/recreation: $25,068,689
- Other nonoperating: $52,161,676
- Court-related expenditures: $3,476,178
- Fund balances, reserves, net assets: $433,120,967
The county’s taxable assessed values increased 9.51 over last year.
Some highlights of the budget include fully funding Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco’s 2019 budget request; a 4 percent wage increase for board and constitutional officer employees; $5.4 million for various county initiatives and $6.4 million for infrastructure improvements.
Highlights in the Municipal Fire Service Unit Fund include two additional rescue units, an arson dog, a volunteer services chief and a wage increase for union employees.
No one spoke during the public comment portion of the hearing.
Published September 12, 2018
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