The Pasco County Commission has decided that the county’s stormwater utility fees will remain unchanged for the 2021 fiscal year.
The current rate is $95 per equivalent residential unit — which is based on an average amount of impervious area of 2,890 square feet for a single-family home, according to agenda background materials.
County staff recommended that the ERU rate and square footage remain the same for the 2021 tax year, and commissioners signaled their approval, without discussion, during their June 22 meeting.
The public hearing for the Annual Stormwater Management Utility System Rate Resolution is scheduled for 9 a.m., on Sept. 14, in the board room at the Historic Pasco County Courthouse, at 37918 Meridian Ave., in Dade City. At the hearing, the board must adopt a final rate resolution. It can reduce the fee, but cannot increase it, at that hearing.
In other action, commissioners approved these items, without discussion, as part of their consent agenda:
- The award of a professional services agreement with HDR Engineering Inc., to provide the required roadway design services for the widening of Old Pasco Road, from north of Deedra Drive to north of Overpass Road, in an amount not to exceed $2,570,032.37. That figure includes $595,973.19 in optional services for fiscal year 2021.
- The appointments of Dennis Baker, representing Tampa North Aero Park, and Spencer Brass, representing Pilot Country Estates Airport, to the Airport Zoning Commission. Zephyrhills Municipal Airport Manager Nathan Coleman will continue to serve on the commission, too.
- A contract to Pacscon GeoEnvironmental Inc., for as-needed gopher tortoise surveying, permitting capturing transporting and after-action reports. The contract is for an amount not to exceed $90,000 for fiscal year 2021; not to exceed $90,000 for fiscal year 2022; not to exceed $110,000 in fiscal year 2022 and not to exceed $90,000 in fiscal year 2024. The total not to exceed amount is $400,000.
- A task order revision in the amount of $109,910 with Stroud Engineering Consultants to cover additional design and construction inspection engineering services due to the addition of a 16-inch pipeline. The Florida Department of Transportation is fast-tracking the completion of the widening of U.S. 41, from north of Connerton Boulevard to south of State Road 52. After the original task order was approved, additional improvements were identified, which consist of construction of a new 16-inch diameter force main along U.S. 41 to provide wastewater capacity for new development expected to be built in the vicinity in the near future.
Including the piping now will help meet future demands and avoid costly work later, according to the agenda materials.
Published July 07, 2021
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