The Primary 2020 ballot is not long in Pasco County, but there are some key races in the election set for Aug. 18.
Some voters will make their way to the polls to cast their ballots on Election Day, but many will have already voted, or mailed in their ballots.
It remains unclear how concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic will affect voter turnout, but election supervisors in both Hillsborough and Pasco counties have reported efforts to ensure the safety of both poll workers and voters.
Such measures include social distancing and ongoing cleaning. As a result, lines at the polls could be longer, the supervisors in both counties have said.
In Pasco County, all voters will be able to cast ballots in the universal primary contest for the Pasco County Commission District 4 race.
The candidates are competing to fill the seat that was vacated by Mike Wells, who ran for County Property Appraiser and was elected.
In universal primary contests all voters can participate, because all of the candidates in the race are from the same party, and there is no opposition in the general election.
Those vying for the Pasco County Commission District 4 seat are Gary Bradford, Christina “Fitzy” Fitzpatrick, Jeff Miller and Gabriel “Gabe” Papadopoulos.
In another race, Republican voters will choose whether they want Kurt S. Browning or David LaRoche to represent the party in the Nov. 3 general election.
Meanwhile, voters will have a choice between Alison Crumbley or Joshua Stringfellow, in the nonpartisan race for the District 4 seat on the Pasco County School Board.
The polls will be open on Aug. 18 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Some seats have already been settled in Pasco County.
Pasco County Tax Collector Mike Fasano, Clerk & Comptroller Nikki Alvarez-Sowles and Sheriff Chris Nocco each will serve another four years — since no opponents came forward to challenge them by the qualifying deadline in the 2020 election.
Supervisor of Elections Brian Corley also will serve another four years, as his opponent withdrew. And, Wells has been elected to Pasco County Property Appraiser, since his opponent Gary Joiner did not qualify.
Pasco County Commissioner Ron Oakley will serve another term in District 1, because opponent Christopher King withdrew. And, Pasco School Board District 2 incumbent Colleen Beaudoin has won another term because her opponent Adrienne G. Wilson withdrew.
A number of other races will be decided in the Nov. 3 general election, including the District 3 and District 5 seats on the Pasco County Commission.
Other races on the ballot will determine who will represent Florida’s 12th congressional district and who will represent District 36, District 37 and District 38, in the Florida House. A special election also will be held to choose a new representative in the Florida Senate, District 20.
To find out early voting locations or for other election information, visit
Pasco Active Registered Voters*
Republican: 151,859
Democratic: 115,807
No Party: 106,532
Minor Party: 5,723
Total: 379,921
*As of 08/09/2020
Source: Pasco County Supervisor of Elections
Published August 12, 2020
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