Suzanne Baginskie knows what it’s like to sign up for a writing class at a local college and be disappointed.

“Whenever they would put a course like that up, nobody would take it, and I’d get my money back,” she said.
Baginskie eventually found a course that stayed open. And now, years later, she’s involved with more of them.
But she’s not taking them this time. She’s teaching them.
Baginskie leads creative writing classes for Pasco-Hernando State College’s Encore Academy, a program that provides education opportunities for people 50 and older.
The Introduction to Creative Writing class wrapped up Nov. 24, a Write Your Life Story class is in progress, and a Writing Children’s Stories class begins Dec. 1. All classes are held at the college’s Spring Hill campus, 450 Beverly Court.
Baginskie, 68, has become the right kind of person to lead writing classes. After nearly 30 years as a law office manager and paralegal, she turned her attention to something she loved for years, but never had enough time to pursue seriously.
And she’s made up for lost time. Baginskie sold her first story in 1999, and since then has sold more than 40 short stories to publishers. Her work has appeared more than two dozen times in the Chicken Soup for the Soul books, which feature inspirational and motivational stories.
She’s also written horror, non-fiction and mystery stories, and her current projects include a legal thriller novel.
Of course, another ongoing project is teaching creative writing at PHSC. Baginskie didn’t want a lack of classroom opportunities to discourage writers from pursuing their passion.
“That was my goal,” she said. “When I finally got to where I could teach it, and I was multi-published, I did a proposal and PHSC accepted me. That’s why I continue to do this.”
She helps others by getting them started on a project and guiding them through the creative process. That might include writing exercises, providing informative handouts, or offering encouragement for someone trying his or her hand at writing later in life.
Many people decide to give writing a try after they retire, or their children are grown or they’ve lost a spouse, Baginskie said. Their family and friends might be out of state, and the classes allow them to connect with a creative streak and complete projects they couldn’t even start previously.
While it might sound like an over-50 student is late to the game, Baginskie said it’s actually a good time to start writing. A person has attained wisdom and life experience to bring to the craft, and people often don’t realize how valuable their seasoned perspectives are to a creative endeavor.
Part of her job is to help students recognize the value of their years, and show them how it enhances their writing.
By teaching the classes as she’s done for the past eight years, Baginskie has found it’s enhanced her own writing as well.
“You want to keep yourself inspired, and this is the perfect way to help these beginning writers,” she said. “I learn so much.”
While Encore Academy is designed for older students, there’s no age restriction to take the creative writing classes. There’s also no obligation to attend every session, although Baginskie said there are benefits to building on previous lessons.
The Write Your Life Story class continues Dec. 1 and Dec. 8 from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. The Writing Children’s Stories class begins Dec. 1 and ends Dec. 8, running from 10 a.m. until noon.
The cost is $12 for each two-hour session.
For more information about the classes or Encore Academy, call program manager Debra Duncan at (727) 816-3439, or visit
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