The Pasco County Commission has approved weekly curbside recycling, with haulers having 90 days to make the transition to the once-a-week recycling pickups.
Recycling previously was picked up twice a month.
Community Development Districts and Homeowner Associations can continue on their current recycling contract until their individual contracts with haulers expire, but once that happens, they will be required to meet the once-a-week recycling pickup standard, according to the board’s action.
In a separate item, commissioners improved a rate increase — capping the charge that haulers can collect at $16.81 a month. Previously, the maximum rate was $12.44.
The monthly charge is for both trash and recycling, and the maximum monthly charge had not been increased since 2009.
The weekly pickup schedule is expected to boost the county’s recycling tonnage, according to county officials. Customers also will be able to toss their recyclables into one bin.
However, they no longer will be able to recycle glass.
The county decided to drop glass recycling because there’s not a resale market for it in Florida, and broken glass contaminates the recycling stream, officials say.
County statistics reveal that Pasco residents recycle about 8,000 tons a year, while producing 379,000 tons of trash.
Officials expect the additional recycling pickups will capitalize on recycling that wasn’t being captured.
For more information on recycling schedules or to order a recycling cart, call your trash hauler. A list of local trash haulers can be found at
For more information on what can and can’t be recycled, visit; call (727) 856-4539; or email .
Published June 12, 2019
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