By Kyle LoJacono
Staff Writer
The Fourth of July is three months away, but community leaders have already started the process of planning the Lutz Independence Day celebration.
One of the persisting questions has been what the new fees to use Hillsborough County parks will do to the event, but those have been answered.

“The parade will go on like normal and things should go as they always have been,” said Phyllis Hoedt of the Lutz-Land O’ Lakes Women’s Club Inc. “We’ve been told by the county that we can use the facilities without having to pay the fees.”
The celebration, which is July 3 at Bullard Park next to the Lutz Train Depot, was in question after Hillsborough imposed fees last October to use any county buildings or parks. These facilities include Bullard Park, the train depot and the Lutz Community Center.
The fee is $20 for a nonprofit organization to use one of the parks or buildings for one hour and $40 for other groups. The new fees forced the women’s club and the Lutz Civic Association to cancel Christmas in the Park last year.
The first planning meeting for the event was March 17 at the Old Lutz Schoolhouse on US 41. Besides civic leaders, two county agents attended the meeting representing Hillsborough County Parks, Recreation and Conservation and Public Works departments. The county is an official sponsor of the event and will be providing support for the celebration.

“They have offered to loan us all necessary supplies,” said Lutz Guv’na Suzin Carr, who has lived in Lutz for nearly eight years. “However, they will most likely not be able to assist with much personnel. They will update their position for the April meeting (April 15).”
The county will not be able to assign many staff members to support the event because recent budget cuts forced the elimination of the Hillsborough’s special events crew.
“We have tremendous need for volunteers to help set up bleachers, tables, chairs, tents, cones and barricades on July 2,” Carr said. “We will also need some volunteers to take part in county sponsored training of barricades setup safety. We need people to help take down all the mentioned items as well. There will be jobs available for every aspect of the festivities and we welcome all willing hands.”

Those interested in volunteering should e-mail Carr at .
The day’s events will begin with the Lutz Independence Day 5K (five kilometers or 3.1 miles) at 8 a.m. Terry Donovan has been helping organize the race since it started in 1985.
“I’ve run in every race and I’m very happy that we’ll be able to close the roads and use the buildings to cool off after,” said Donovan who has lived in Lutz since 1970. “We wouldn’t be able to do the race without the support of the parks department.”
Donovan is looking for local businesses who want to sponsor the race.
“It costs $250 to be a sponsor and that will get the business’ name on our T-shirts that people will see all day at the celebration,” Donovan said. “We’d like to include all the Lutz businesses and we’d also like to see all of Lutz running too.”
One of the highlights of the celebration is the naming of the new Guv’na.
“The Guv’na is a mainly ceremonial position and the race is a ‘fun’ fundraiser,” said Eleanor Cecil, member of the civic association. “We say it’s the only honest campaign because we tell everyone up front it is all about who raises the most money. We make no bones about it and people get to vote for who they want by donating to their campaign.”
Cecil, who has lived in Lutz for 11 years, said she has already received interest from several people who want to run for Guv’na.
“We can always use more people to run because the more people that do the more money we can raise,” Cecil said. “All the money goes to various nonprofit groups in the Lutz area.”
To be eligible for the position, people need to either work or live in Lutz. Those interested in running for Guv’na should call Cecil at (813) 727-7549 as soon as possible.
The Fourth of July parade’s start time has yet to be set, but those interested in having a float should call Shirley Simmons of the women’s club at (813) 949-7060.
“It is an amazing showcase of community spirit and what is possible when people work together,” said Carr of the celebration.
Those interested in learning more about the event can attend the next planning meeting at 7 p.m. April 15 at the Old Lutz Schoolhouse.
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