Activities at Gem Estates have not slowed down now that the Christmas Holidays are behind us. We’re busier than ever. Seems like all the activities have increased in attendance. It’s great to have “newer” people bringing their thoughts, knowledge and ideas to inspire and refresh our usual programs.
The Coffee and Doughnuts Social Hour directed by our president, Al Bennett, brings a lot of inspiration to join the club programs.
Mary Kay Lynch, in charge of bingo games every Wednesday night, announced our first bingo game was a little short in attendance, but still had enough people to make it interesting. Our games are open to the public. Early Bird starts at 6:30 p.m., and regular bingo at 7 p.m., so come out to our park, you bingo lovers!
Prayers were said for several of our members who are ill or having a trying time. Betty York, recently moved north and is recovering from pneumonia; Millie Smith and Joe Casey recovering from painful shoulder surgery; Les Hoover, Betty Wilson still in rehab; and Neva Roy recovering from back surgery. Sure hope everyone is soon on the road to full recovery.
Gem Estates got a commendation from the Marine Corps because of our full contribution with Toys for Tots.
We had lots of visitors that came for the holidays. Bev and Ernie Martin entertained their daughter, Brenda, and son-in-law, Horace Moody from Pittston, Maine. Some recent returnees were Paul and Sylvia Griffin from Ontario, Canada, and also Ellie and Keith Brookins from Michigan.
Winners for our Monday euchre game were John Raab for the men, and Mae Slipp for the ladies.
The park yard sale was touted as the best one yet, even though we had a lot of competition with Pigz in Z’Hills going on at the airport, and a lot of parks were also having yard sales, plus there was a memorial service for Les Ott, a past president of our association who was instrumental in us buying our park and being individually owned. The service was at the Lutheran church.
Mary Kay Lynch headed the blood drive scheduled for Jan.22. It is amazing to see the Big Red Bus all over town.
Mary Ann McGouldrick and Lois Sprague are keeping our library in top shape. What a pleasure to be able to look for a certain author and finding it quickly.
Ron Raymond, our maintenance chairman, is doing a wonderful job, and as usual, it takes a lot of volunteers to accomplish all that has been done. Our really nice white fence and clubhouse have been cleaned by Bill Files, Ken Mann, Keith Babbitt, Steve Files, Gary Coons, Lou McGouldrick and Wayne Macomber.
The brush and weeds around the perimeter and around the entrance were cut and picked up by John Brogan, Bill Stacy, Marlin Thomas, Dan Bluhm, Butch Skidmore, Bill and Steve Files, and Don Perdue.
Ed Littlefield finished all the last-minute work in our newly remodeled kitchen area, while Earl Sprague did a much-needed job of washing the street signs and yield signs.
Once the addition to our clubhouse was completed, it gave us a chance to clean out a lot of stuff from our storage shed that we could put in our park yard sale. Vic Botting and our president, Al Bennett, did a good job of sorting out and deciding what to keep.
Dick Thompson is doing a great job of helping us with some super computer knowledge.
There are a number of January birthdays, including Ray Mercer, Beverly Martin, Joe Casey, Jack Massoll, Paula Beck, Bill Mayer, Randall Smith, Mary Ann McGouldrick and Barbara Cleavenger. Happy Birthday to all!
Steve and Joann Files are celebrating an anniversary this month.
By Lee Heffelfinger
Published January 28, 2015