By Tammy Sue Struble
In a family-friendly event bringing two rivals together for some constructive competition, Pasco High in Dade City and Zephyrhills High both benefited from the Drive One 4 UR School program sponsored by Ford and Lincoln car dealerships.
Jarrett Ford Lincoln auto dealership in Dade City provided the venue for the two rivals to come together April 1-2.
With the program, Ford donates $20 per test drive with a maximum of 150 test drives per school per event. Pasco High had more than 190 participants test drive for their school and Zephyrhills Bulldogs registered more than 180 test drivers.
Both schools, “exceeded the cutoff needed” to receive the maximum benefit from Ford, explained Zephyrhills principal Steve Van Gorden. At $20 times 150, that’s $3,000 earned for each school.
Test drivers earmark what program in their school will receive the majority of their test drive funds.
“Of the $20 donation from Ford, $12 goes to the test driver’s designation; $8 goes to the general athletic account to purchase items such as official’s uniforms and student needs,” Van Gorden said, speaking for his campus.
There will be another test drive event the second weekend in May to receive funds from Lincoln automobile funds. The schools have the opportunity to get another $3,000 donation in that program.
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