Taste of Boston to relocate
Taste of Boston plans to relocate from 1944 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., in the Wiregrass area, to a shopping plaza at 1930 Land O’ Lakes Blvd., in Lutz.
The seafood restaurant will close its location on Bruce B. Downs on May 31, according to manager Ashley Walker. By mid-June Taste of Boston will reopen on Land O’ Lakes Boulevard with more space, an outdoor patio and live music on weekends.
Manufacturers job fair
The Pasco-Hernando State College TRADE Grant Office will host the Florida Manufacturing Career Fair on April 22 from 1 to 4 p.m., at the college’s Spring Hill Campus, 450 Beverly Court. The Career Source Pasco Hernando, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, the Manufacturers Association of Florida and the Upper Tampa Bay Manufacturing Association also are sponsors.
The fair will bring job seekers together with representatives of the manufacturing industry.
Employers and job seekers should contact (727) 816-3345 or TRADEgrant@phsc.edu to register for this free event.
For more information visit PHSC.edu/mfg-cf.
Pasco Economic Development Council’s Smart Start incubator program received honorable mention at the 23rd Annual Future of the Region Awards ceremony in St. Petersburg on March 27. The awards are hosted annually by the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council to single out achievements in the public and private sectors for resource planning and management in the Tampa Bay region.
The incubator program mentors emerging and startup companies. Pasco County also received first place awards in the categories of development and infrastructure and going green, and second place award in community service.
Economic briefing
The Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce will host its monthly economic development briefing on April 23 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at the Hoosier Grille, located within Heritage Isles Golf & Country Club, 10630 Plantation Bay Drive.
Guest speaker is Chris Alvarez, chief financial officer of the Florida Medical Clinic. He will discuss plans to open an 80,000-square-foot medical facility on Bruce B. Downs Boulevard, next to the Florida Hospital.
The cost is $15 including lunch. Register online by 3 p.m., April 22. Guests should pay online, as no credit cards will be accepted at the door.
For information, visit WesleyChapelChamber.com, or call (813) 994-8534.
Saint Leo University students
A class assignment with a new Tampa Bay area technology company, Entangle Media, became a real world experience for Saint Leo University students. Rae-Kwon Andrews, Tatiyana Cosme, Cedric Blatch and Elizabeth Schilling assisted the company in its app launch of DealMyBrand.com, a new social media management program.
Entangle Media offers a range of Internet services including web design and maintenance. Saint Leo professor Emma Brown collaborated with James Chittenden, consultant with the Small Business Development Center at University of South Florida, in placing the students at Entangle Media.
Learning center opens
Bricks4Kidz will host a ribbon cutting on April 23 from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., at the office of the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce, 6013 Wesley Chapel Blvd.
The learning center will operate at the New Tampa YMCA Meadow Pointe clubhouse and Seven Oaks. It will provide a unique hands-on interactive curriculum focused on STEM concepts (science, technology, engineering and math). Technology and engineering-based camps will be available. More locations will be added.
For information, visit Bricks4Kidz.com/florida-wesleychapel/, or email Ayesha.rodriquez@bricks4kidz.com.
Weight loss clinic
Come to the ribbon cutting for Florida Aesthetics and Medical Weight Loss on April 28 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., at 14945 Bruce B. Downs Blvd. Guests can meet the doctors and practitioners who offer a range of services including anti-aging Botox and fillers, laser skin and vein treatment, skin rejuvenation and medical weight loss.
For information, call (813) 345-4044, or visit FloridaAesthetics.com.
East Pasco Networking Group
The East Pasco Networking Group will meet April 28 at Rose’s Café at 38426 Fifth Ave., in Zephyrhills.
Networking begins at 8 a.m., with the meeting starting at 8:30 a.m.
Mike Wells Sr., Pasco County’s property appraiser, is the guest speaker.
For information, call Nils Lenz at (813) 782-9491, or email him at nilslenz@gmail.com.
Networking breakfast
Calling all professionals. Join us for networking and a free continental breakfast on April 30 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., at The Commons on Pretty Pond, 38130 Pretty Pond Road, Zephyrhills.
For information, call (813) 779-4501, or email khobbs@thecommonsonprettypond.com.
YMCA in New Tampa
The New Tampa Family YMCA will celebrate its grand opening on April 30 from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., at 16221 Compton Drive. Tour the facility and enjoy light refreshments. The facility features an outdoor conditioning area for strength training for adults, teens and children, who want to get active, fight the obesity epidemic and improve overall health. The Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce will host the free event.
Non-members who mention the Wesley Chapel chamber ribbon cutting or the new outdoor conditioning area will not pay a join fee. This offer is valid from April 30 through May 7.
For information, call (813) 866-9622.
Business seminar
The Pasco-Hernando State College will host BizGROW2.0 on May 14 from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the college’s Porter Campus at Wiregrass. The half-day conference and entrepreneur exchange is for entrepreneurs, start-up business owners and established business owners, and will include panel discussions, advice and inspiration on growing your business and lots of networking.
The cost is $30 per person or $35 per person after May 12. Registration is required. For information, visit PascoEdc.com.
Business Link available monthly
Business Link, a monthly small business gathering hosted by the San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union, meets the second Wednesday of each month beginning at 7:30 a.m.
The meeting is designed to provide a networking and information-sharing platform for the business community.
For locations, details and to reserve a seat, email rgaddis@sacfcu.org, or call (352) 588-2732, ext. 1237.
Wesley Chapel networking group
Networking for Your Success meets every Thursday at 8 a.m., at Lexington Oaks Country Club, 2615 Lexington Oaks Blvd., in Wesley Chapel.
Cost is $5, and annual membership to the group is $79.
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