Citizens of the Month
The Greater Dade Chamber of Commerce recognized student Citizens of the Month for February, selected for exemplary effort, achievement and contribution to their school, family and community. Those honored were Nikki Lang, Academy at the Farm; Ava Mazurkiewicz, East Pasco Adventist Academy; Christian Williams, Saint Anthony Catholic School; Aubrey E. Prescott, Centennial Elementary; Maria Campos, Lacoochee Elementary; Ahmy S. Arca Jr., Pasco Elementary; Grace Harrison, Rodney B. Cox Elementary; Tyler Albritton, San Antonio Elementary; Gabriel Bishop, Centennial Middle; Garion D. Pope, Jr., Pasco Middle; Samuel Baldwin, James Irvin Education Center; and Jackson Hancock, Pasco High.
Head Start applications being accepted
The Pasco County Schools Early Childhood Programs Department will have open application days across the county for Head Start and Early Head Start for 2016-2017.
Expectant mothers and parents/guardians of infants, toddlers and children through age 4 may apply. Eligibility is based on family need and income.
Locations, dates and times are as follows:
- Alice Hall Community Center, Zephyr Park, 38116 Fifth Ave., Zephyrhills, on March 29, April 26 and May 23, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- RCMA-The Stallings Building, 15029 14th St., Dade City, on April 20 and May 17, from 8:45 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Lacoochee Elementary School, 38815 Cummer Road in Dade City, on April 20 and May 26 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- District Office Complex, Portable 23, 20425 Gator Lane in Land O’ Lakes, on April 28 and May 25 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
For required documents and information, visit PascoSchools.org/ecp, or call Alexis Russell at (727) 774-2730 or (813) 794-2730.
History fair at Porter Campus
Pasco-Hernando State College will host a Wesley Chapel History Fair on March 31 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch, 2727 Mansfield Blvd., in Wesley Chapel.
Participants will hear stories and anecdotes relating to the area’s rich and colorful history with special presentations.
Madonna Jervis Wise will discuss her newest book, “Images of America: Wesley Chapel.”
- Thomas Touchton, founding chairman of the Tampa Bay History Center, will introduce the historical connection with Wesley Chapel and his exhibit at the center.
Angelo Liranzo, librarian, will provide a hands-on demonstration of local historical resources.
For information, visit PHSC.edu.
Constitutional essay contest
Pasco County Tax Collector Mike Fasano, as part of Clerk & Comptroller Paula O’ Neill’s Constitutional Officers Essay Contest, will accept entries at his office. The contest runs through March 31.
The contest is for Pasco County middle school students in sixth to eighth grade. Students of Pasco’s public/charter, private, nonpublic and home-schools can participate.
In 500 words or less, students must answer the question “Do You Think Taxes Are Too High or Too Low? Why?”
Entries will be reviewed on how well the student communicates his or her response, as well as overall essay structure, appearance and readability.
Students in public/charter schools are asked to submit their essays to their principal, who will forward them to the tax collector’s office.
Students in private, nonpublic or home-schools may send essays directly to Greg Giordano, director of customer relations, Pasco County Tax Collector’s Office, 8731 Citizens Drive, Room 120, New Port Richey, FL 34654.
Entries will be accepted up until 5 p.m., March 31.
For questions, call Greg Giordano at (727) 847-8179.
Scholarship essay contest
The Holliday Karatinos Law Firm PLLC Scholarship Program is sponsoring an essay contest to help high school seniors and college students in Florida interested in pursuing an institution of higher education.
Students can submit a one-page essay of 600 words on Personal Injury: Concussions in Sports, addressing whether they think there is enough emphasis on safety in sports to prevent concussions, and what the student thinks should be done to curb concussions in high school athletics.
Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent U.S. resident, be accepted to an institution of higher learning, and a high school senior (who is 18 years of age or older, or has written parental consent) or college student (two-year tech, four-year university, colleges, undergraduates).
A combined total of $4,500 in scholarship grants will be awarded.
The deadline for essay submissions is April 1. Winners will be contacted and announced by April 15.
For complete details, visit Holliday Karatinos Law Firm PLLC on Facebook.
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