By Tammy Sue Struble
Monday evening’s regular city council meeting was a full house with standing room only. The majority were not there for the utility department magnesium hydroxide update, the spec building recommendation, the sale of surplus property discussion or the airport authority vacancy update. The group represented Stewart Middle football.

With Stewart Middle’s football team in their jerseys and coaches present, Mayor Cliff McDuffie presented the Zephyrhills middle school students with a proclamation commending the team for its undefeated season, a first for Stewart Middle football.
It is also the first time in 30 years Stewart Middle has had back-to-back conference championships. The young Bulldogs went on to win the district football championship in Pasco County.
After the presentation, team members were excused with their coaches and their gallery, leaving a fairly vacant room.
In other city business, a motion did pass suspending the spec building project at the airport location for 18 months. The city had planned to construct a building there in hopes of luring tenants to the airport, but council members decided the city budget was too tight to proceed during this difficult economic time.
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