By Gary S. Hatrick
The Laker Correspondent
ZEPHYRHILLS — The noise of cannon fire was heard all day long at Zephyrhills High School as Civil War re-enactors demonstrated life in Florida 150 years ago during the Great American Teach-In recently at the school.

Rob Brown, agri-business and natural resources teacher, arranged for the living history lesson. He invited members of the Hardee’s Corps Civil War re-enactors to the Teach-In after he and students with Future Farmers of America participated in some reenactments themselves.
“I was impressed with their (Hardee’s Corps) professionalism and the way they presented themselves,” said Brown. “I wanted to give other students an opportunity to experience what we had seen.”
During the Teach-In, re-enactors displayed and talked about pistols, rifles and other weapons used during the Civil War. The biggest hit amongst students was a 12-pound mountain howitzer cannon, which re-enactors fired at the end of each presentation. Students learned that the howitzer cannon was rolled around the battlefield and shot at close range over the heads of friendly troops, Brown said.
Another popular demonstration was that of Jim McCallister, a Pasco County firefighter from Land O’ Lakes, who cracked a whip as a member of the Cow Cavalry.
Participating alongside the Civil War re-enactors were square dancers in period dresses whom Chorus teacher Louan Gore headed up.
Brown estimated that upwards of 800 students visited the Civil War re-enactments during the Great American Teach-In.

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