By Sarah Whitman
Senior Staff Writer
One thing’s for sure, there’s no shortage on Easter eggs this year.
So tell the kids to grab a basket and get going. It’s time to hunt.

First United Methodist Church of Land O’ Lakes, 6209 Land O’ Lakes Blvd., has a free egg hunt from 10 to 11:30 a.m. April 3. The event will include a petting zoo, a cupcake decorating table, games, snacks and a family sack race.
Children will be divided into age groups for the main event.
“There will be over 1200 eggs and the big kids won’t be hunting with the little ones,” said Tonya Stout, director of children’s ministries. “The kids will collect eggs and turn them in for a goody bag filled with candy and prizes. It’s better that way because we can have chocolate candy and it doesn’t melt.”
Children may be surprised to find three golden eggs mixed in the bunch.
“They can be traded in for a special prize,” Stout said. “There will be three for every age group.”
Close by on US 41, families are invited to a jellybean jamboree and spring harvest from 10 a.m. to noon at the Land O’ Lakes Community Center, 5401 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. There will be an egg scramble for children 10 and under, children’s games, a moonwalk and a visit from the Easter bunny. The spring harvest will feature vendors from the Land O’ Lakes Saturday Market, craft vendors and other booths. Admission is free.
“This is our first year combining our farmer’s market and the jelly bean jamboree,” said Mike Walcott, recreation supervisor at the community center. “There will be lots of things to do and see. The vendors will have games for the kids and be handing out candy. There will be things for adults too.”
Lutz residents will want to stop by Keystone Community Church, 21010 State Road 54, for an extravaganza, also beginning at 10 a.m. April 3. The event combines the spiritual message of Easter with popular holiday traditions.
“There’ll be a small service for the kids then an egg hunt, face painting, hot dogs and popcorn,” said Cathy Wirt, ministry coordinator. “It’s a day for fellowship and fun.”
There’s more fun at the Museum of Science and Industry, where eggs will be hunted, dropped and catapulted beginning at 9 a.m. for children 13 and under. The egg drop is at 10 a.m., the toss at 11 a.m. and the DaVinci inspired catapult at noon. All events will be supervised. Eggspo is included with general admission to MOSI. There will be sweet treats for free.
In Wesley Chapel, Victorious Life Church will host three egg hunts from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 3 at Angus Valley, Pasco Woods Apartments and the Shops at Wiregrass. Take pictures with the Easter bunny, search for eggs and enjoy a story time featuring some of Aesop’s famous fables at Wiregrass.
“We’ll have 76,000 eggs spread out through all three events,” said Devon Dougherty, outreach coordinator. “They will all be candy filled.”
For parents worried about their kids getting too many sugary snacks, why not take the family to a different kind of egg hunt. Lowry Park Zoo will hide eggs for its orangutan to find at 11 a.m. April 2. The annual event is included with zoo admission.
So, go on, make this Easter great and spend it with your neighbors. Just don’t forget your baskets.
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