There was a fashion show on Nov. 17 at the community center, with many women and men viewing clothing presented by Bon Worth.
There were six models in all, and each model wore three different outfits. The models were Terri Satterlee, Pat Mc Kain, Elaine Hilton, Mim Gardner, Joyce Bell and Rosemary Semian.

(Courtesy of Gary Wilcox)
About 40 people attended the show. Cookies and brownies, along with coffee and tea, were served.
The fashion show was hosted by Rosemary Semian, and our thanks go to her for a lovely show.
A pancake breakfast was held on Nov. 19 at the community center and was attended by 71 residents, who enjoyed the breakfast.
Jim Sinner said the blessing before the meal of pancakes, French toast, sausage, orange juice, coffee and/or tea. There was also regular syrup in addition to sugar-free syrup. You could have all you cared to eat, and it was hosted by Mary and David Heim.

Kevin Moore, Roxanne Moore, Fabian, and Kaleigh Moore.
(Courtesy of Marty Rubenstein)
There were also many volunteers that included Linda Rogers, Rosemary Semian, Tom Carter. Diane Taggart, Rosemarie Weingartz and Walter Barr. They did a very nice job, and our thanks go out to all of them for a lovely breakfast.
Later that night, there was a show/dance at the community center. The name of the show was the Skip Frye Group, hosted by Gary Wilcox. I spoke to Gary and he was nice enough to tell me a little about it.
He said that all who attended had a very good time. He went on to mention that more than 65 people were there that night to enjoy the music and dancing. Also mentioned was the fact that Skip and his wife, Nancy, put on a wonderful three-hour concert, playing a variety of songs from yesterday to today.
Frye is a professional guitar player with styles like Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughan.
Thanks goes out to all our volunteers!
A day of thanks
There were 104 people, including residents and guests, at the community center on Nov. 24, to observe and celebrate Thanksgiving Day. The dinner was hosted by Margaret and Andy Castonguay, and several helpers.

(Courtesy of Marty Rubenstein)
Before the dinner even started, grace was said by Cookie. He did a fine job. The dinner consisted of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, squash, green beans, cranberry sauce, pickles, rolls, butter, and dessert of apple and pumpkin pies with a dab of whipped cream. The meal was delicious and the turkey was moist. They served either white or dark meat – your preference.
There were several helpers, and they consisted of Carol and Clayton George, Mim and Terry Gardner, and Vic and Lynne-Rae Dyson. Everybody had a specific job to do, so everything ran smoothly.
In addition, I found out that the entire crew met the previous night to set up tables, clean the turkeys and put them in the oven to cook. Everyone outdid themselves and put on the perfect meal. After the dinner, we sat around and talked for a while.

(Courtesy of Adrianne Ayres)
Later that night, several people returned for a game of euchre. I used to play this game, and I can truthfully say that it is a fun game, and it definitely keeps you on your toes. Of course, during the game, the people who are playing kept up a friendly conversation with much banter.
We had dominoes on Nov. 28, and, as always, it was loads of fun. There were several of us that joined in on this lively and fun game. Seeing that it was during the holiday season, quite a few of us showed up.
As the game progressed, you can hear people saying things like “My train just fell off the track,” “I have a mighty small train” and more.
One thing was for sure, everyone had a good time.
By Helene Rubenstein
Grand Horizons
Published December 7, 2016
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