We started the week by attending a social club meeting that in the community center on Feb. 4. The meeting was very informative, as they not only discussed last month’s events, but we also got to hear about the new activities that they planned for all the residents. We were also able to give our input. In the future, they were talking about an ice cream social, a community yard sale, appreciation day and more. Brian Heidman, who is president of the social committee, headed this meeting. It seemed like a nice crowd was gathered.
The egg n’ bag on Feb. 6, was very popular, with 114-plus residents served. This is always a very big event where everyone has a great time. Fred Sage said the blessing before the meal. Then, tables were called for the people to prepare their bags with eggs and other ingredients such as cheese, onions, peppers and more. The people attending sit and socialize, while waiting for their omelets to be ready. The hosts for the egg n’ bag are Jim and Judi Leitzke, and the crew of helpers were Fred and Sam Sage, Linda Rogers, Doris Sutfin, Clayton and Carol George, Wally Carlson, and Sue and Galen Parker.
The following day, Feb. 7, there was a super bowl party in the community center. Since I didn’t attend, the hosts of this party told me a few words about it. They mentioned that 26 fans came to watch and celebrate Super Bowl 50. They enjoyed a variety of food from chips to pulled pork and even traditional wings. It was hosted by Bob and Sandi Blois, Clayton and Carol George, and Jack and Pauline Gadboi. Our thanks go out to them on arranging this get-together.
By Helene Rubenstein
Published February 17, 2016
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