DADE CITY – Laura Henderson is not only the vice chair of the Pasco County Commission on Human Trafficking but she is also a survivor of the crime. Henderson said last year marked the 10th year since the commission was formed.
“As we continue our efforts of spreading awareness, continued education and stronger prevention, it is imperative that we continue listening to survivors,” Henderson said. “Being survivor-led and being survivor-informed, the survivors’ voice is the most important one. But we, including myself, cannot stand alone and push forward in this fight without everyone taking a stand and doing their part.”
Henderson was among leaders representing the group Jan. 14 as Pasco County commissioners adopted a resolution declaring January 2025 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. The resolution encouraged citizens to “participate in education, awareness, advocacy and prevention efforts to combat human trafficking.”
Liana Dean, chair of the Pasco County Commission on Human Trafficking, credited Henderson for the value she brings to the organization, highlighting her input on initiatives and guidance for delivering an appropriate message to the populations they serve.
“Everything that we do is geared towards helping (human trafficking survivors) to thrive and to grow after they leave the life and to support their efforts to lead this movement,” Dean said.
The resolution states there were 680 cases of trafficking involving 1,172 victims, with 181 being children, statewide in 2023. It also acknowledges that human trafficking continues to occur in Pasco County.
“Through the Pasco County Commission on Human Trafficking, our community has united to combat this horrific crime and restore dignity to survivors by bringing together the sectors deemed critical to effectively combat human trafficking, such as law enforcement, schools, child welfare, nonprofits, businesses, faith-based organizations, survivors, and more,” according to the resolution. “Despite these dedicated local efforts, more awareness, education and advocacy are needed to eradicate human trafficking.”
Pasco County Commissioner Lisa Yeager said she was pleased to sponsor the resolution.
“This important initiative serves to raise awareness, educate the public and empower individuals, families and our community to take a stand against these horrific crimes,” Yeager said. “Together we can strengthen our collective efforts to prevent human trafficking and support survivors on their path to healing.”
Commissioners Jack Mariano, Ron Oakley and Kathryn Starkey also thanked the group for its work.
“This is such an important group and it just pains me to hear that we still have sex trafficking going on in our county with all the awareness we’ve tried to bring to this issue,” Starkey said. “That it still goes on here is upsetting.”
Visit to learn more about Pasco County’s efforts to stop human trafficking.
A Resolution by the board of county commissioners of Pasco County, Florida, declaring the month of January as National Slavery And Human Trafficking Prevention Month and January 11, 2025, as National Human Trafficking Awareness Day in Pasco County
WHEREAS, human trafficking is a crime against a person whereby, through exploitation, an individual is compelled to work or engage in a commercial sex act through force, fraud, or coercion, thereby being stripped of their rights and humanity. Traffickers typically use multiple means to control their victims, including beatings, rape, isolation, forced drug/alcohol dependency, withholding of documentation, and psychological and emotional abuse; and
WHEREAS, the International Labor Organization conservatively estimates that there are over 49.6 million victims of human trafficking worldwide, and that this crime is second only to the illegal drug trade in terms of the speed of its growth and the profits that it generates, as human beings can be sold repeatedly; and
WHEREAS, human trafficking has been reported in all fifty states. Florida consistently ranks third in the nation in both the number of calls made to the National Human Trafficking Hotline (NHTH) and the number of cases identified. In Florida in 2023, there were 680 identified cases of trafficking involving 1,172 victims, with 181 being children; and
WHEREAS, human trafficking is occurring in Pasco County. Through the Pasco County Commission on Human Trafficking, our community has united to combat this horrific crime and restore dignity to survivors by bringing together the sectors deemed critical to effectively combat human trafficking, such as law enforcement, schools, child welfare, nonprofits, businesses, faith-based organizations, survivors, and more; and
WHEREAS, despite these dedicated local efforts, more awareness, education, and advocacy are needed to eradicate human trafficking. Every resident of Pasco County is called upon to declare that the exploitation of people for profit has no place in our world, and that we need to work together to restore freedom, dignity, and justice to all; and
WHEREAS, January is annually declared as National Slavery Human Trafficking Prevention Month and January 11th as National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Pasco County, Florida, that said Board hereby declares January 2025 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month in Pasco County, Florida, and that all citizens are encouraged to participate in education, awareness, advocacy, and prevention efforts to combat human trafficking.
DONE AND RESOLVED in regular session with a quorum present and voting this 14th day of January 2025.