County searches for replacement
By Kyle LoJacono
Longtime Hillsborough County Fire Chief William Nesmith retired Jan. 15 after 41 years working in fire rescue.
Nesmith, 62, started with the county’s fire rescue service as the assistant fire chief in 1994 and became the fire chief in 1996. Prior to that, he worked with Tampa Fire Rescue for 24 years before retiring as the division chief.

“Over the 41 years of fire service, I have found a second family and the friendships will last forever,” Nesmith said. “I will cherish the time I spent in the fire service.”
Nesmith added he is in good health and just wants to spend more time with his family now that he is 62.
During Nesmith’s tenure, the Hillsborough County Fire Department and Hillsborough County Emergency Medical Services were merged as one. He also saw the growth of the department from 400-850 firefighters and the opening of eight new fire stations.
Additionally, Nesmith won the 1997 Harvey Grant Excellence in Rescue Award presented by the IAFC, the 1998 Hillsborough County Excellence in Government Award and the 2010 Distinguished Service Award by the Hillsborough County Volunteer Services Association.
Nesmith has also served on several committees during his time, including chairman of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) Transportation Emergency Rescue Committee, president of the Florida Fire Chiefs’ Association and member of the Florida West Central Region Board of Directors. He has also served as an instructor of basic firefighter certification and management level courses at Hillsborough Community College.
Ray Yeakley, department spokesman, said a nationwide search is underway for Nesmith’s replacement.
“We aren’t sure right now how long it will take,” Yeakley said. “It could take months; it could take many months.”
Administration Chief Ron Rogers will be the interim chief while the department seeks a replacement.
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