By Sarah Whitman
The men of Idlewild Baptist Church are awake and ready to worship before the sun comes up. Fellow early risers are welcome to join in when the church’s men’s ministry, Morning Momentum, begins its summer season May 20.
The group meets at 6:15 a.m. Thursday mornings at the church. Meetings consist of prayer time, Biblical study and group discussions. There is also coffee for those who need an extra boost.
“We meet early in the morning because the first thing every man should do when he gets up is spend time with God,” said ministry leader Bob Thompson. “This way, we make it a point to do that by coming together to worship the Lord.”
Thompson has more than 20 years experience in men’s ministry and has worked at Idlewild for three years. He said the church’s men’s groups are constantly growing and changing. Morning Momentum currently has 65 members, ranging from singles to married men with grown children.

This season’s study is “The Man God Uses” by Henry and Tom Blackaby, a reflection on being a man of God in daily life. Chapter topics include Character of a Man, How God Shapes a Man and Man’s Response to God. Topics will be reviewed at morning meetings.
General day-to-day topics and issues are also on the agenda.
“Men are facing a lot of stresses and pressures in the world,” Thompson said. “Men need other men so we can learn from each other to become better husbands and fathers and to be more successful in the workplace.”
Dana Hardey has been a member at Idlewild for 20 years. He considers men’s fellowship a way to refocus and gain perspective. He hopes to be an example to younger men in Morning Momentum.
“Sometimes you need advice from someone who’s already been through the situation you’re going through,” he said. “If someone is considering divorce, a man that’s been through it might be able to shed light on the pain of divorce and tell a friend not to give up. By getting together, we can help each other overcome hurts, habits and hang-ups.”
Hardey doesn’t mind waking up early for meetings. He said the time is convenient.
“Guys can get up, meet and then can go to work,” he said. “It works.”
Thompson said it is a perfect time for busy dads.
“It’s a good time to meet because it doesn’t interfere with being home with the family in the evenings,” he said.
For the men who don’t have to rush to work, Idlewild offers men’s small groups following Thursday morning meetings. The men’s ministry also offers a 5:30 p.m. Thursday group, for those who aren’t morning people.
“I’m a part of that one too,” Hardey said.
Thompson said the men’s ministry is more than just its meet-up groups. The men participate in community service projects and are there for one another in difficult times.
“We’re an all inclusive ministry,” Thompson said. “We really consider all men at the church part of the group. If they don’t come to us, we go to them.”
For information on Morning Momentum and Idlewild’s men’s ministry, call (813) 264-1515 or visit
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