The Hillsborough County Commission has cleared the way for a massive project at the northeast corner of Van Dyke Road and North Dale Mabry Highway.
The land, characterized by its towering stands of pines and open fields, has been rezoned to allow a mixed-use development including upscale houses, multifamily dwellings, offices, retail uses and a congregate care facility.

(File Photo)
Commissioners approved the rezoning request, without debate.
While Lutz residents have a reputation for battling proposals they believe will disrupt their way of life, in this case they worked with the applicants to devise a plan that the Lutz Citizens Coalition and nearby communities supported. It even had coalition president Mike White saying that at the time that “thus far, the system has worked exactly as it was intended to.”
The development must undergo a site plan review by the county before any construction can begin, White said. But he expects the county will ensure the plan follows the conditions approved by commissioners.
Attorney Joel Tew represented Geraci Land Acquisition LLC, and attorney Richard Davis represented Standard Pacific Homes of Florida on the side-by-side rezonings, covering approximately 251 acres. The rezoning applications were presented as companion requests at an April 21 public hearing before a land-use hearing officer.
Plans call for substantially less development than would have been allowed otherwise under the county’s long-range plan. One rezoning incorporates the Landings at Lake Pearl, a previously approved rezoning that includes 650 multifamily units and 70,000 square feet of office.
Besides those existing entitlements, the rezoning allows 240 single-family houses and 177 multifamily dwellings.
Standard Pacific Homes plans to build a gated, high-end residential community on the property.
The approved zoning allows about 25 percent of the residential development than would have been possible under the county’s long-range land-use plan. The retail uses, under the rezoning, represent about one-third of the potential allowed under the long-range plan designation.
Representatives from all sides testified at the public hearing that considerable effort was made to work out conditions that addressed concerns expressed by the community, while delivering a quality project.
“We have had a total of eight meetings with the major community associations that are directly affected by this project,” Tew said. “We’ve had very valuable, constructive input from them. We’ve listened to their concerns and we’ve made significant changes to the plan.”
The proposed developments include conditions that exceed the county’s land development code, including requirements such as increased setbacks from surrounding properties, enhanced landscaping, more stringent sign requirements, and even conditions dealing with building orientation.
Both zoning requests received favorable recommendations from the county’s planning commission and land development staff.
Conditions of the Luce’s recommended approval includes a number of transportation improvements. One calls for a signalized intersection at Exciting Idlewild Boulevard and North Dale Mabry Highway, and another calls for a new alignment leading into the Veterans Expressway that essentially will square up that intersection.
The plans also show a single access point off of Van Dyke Road, instead of the three access points that were initially requested. The limited access on Van Dyke was essential to gain the support of area residents and the Lutz Citizens Coalition, who were concerned about traffic impacts both on Van Dyke and nearby neighborhoods.
Published June 18, 2014
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Carrene Cohalla says
When will the building ever stop !
Traffic is already a nightmare and
the animals have no homes to go to
of their own (except killed on the roads)
Shame on you County Commissioners for
letting everyone move down here for the $
without caring about the repercussions. It’s disgusting !
jack Thomas says
You are so right. Its sick. Remember the county commissioners like other politicians are bought and sold by super rich corporations. No different here. They will slowly turn Lutz into Brandon no matter what. Money is on the table and they wont not take it. Take a look a dale Mabry bow from lake park going north. Its sickening. They don’t care. They don’t live there so why should they? All they see is short sighted dollar signs. They will overdevelop this area until horrible traffic, overpopulation, and a chain fast food restaurant on every corner. Stop voting for these crooks!
Penny says
I total agree with Carrene! This has got to stop! Lutz is getting to be like Tampa! I moved to Lutz because it was different, quiet. The animals I’ve seen being scattered all over because you are taking their land!! Such a sad, sad thing.
Joe Florida says
I noticed majorly too. Its awful. I hate to tell you all Lutz is nothing more now than a overcrowded, noisy, suburb with a ton of obnoxious northerners. Since this was written, they have put a ton of apartments, a dunk in doughnuts, more apartments, building a wendy’s, and more houses. Lutz was cool like 20-30 years ago but those days are over. My advice…sell really high to some desperate people from up north and move further out. Local government sold us out bad.
Lalani Cains says
My roots are in Lutz and I have seen it change from clear bottom lakes and orange groves to green water lakes and pine trees waiting to be cut down for construction projects. If I were a billionaire, I would buy all the undeveloped land in this area and preserve it and keep it from becoming a TOTAL waste land of unhealthy fast food, ugly storage units, giant car washes, apartment buildings and over crowded roads that are littered with fast food cups, bags, beer bottles etc. I feel like Lutz is a sinking ship, so I counteract by planting more trees, plants, shrubs, flowers and picking up the the trash along a stretch of Lake Fern Road near my home. I cannot imagine what is going to be like around here in 10 more years. It makes me sick.