Name: Randy Evans
Age: 48
Residence: Elfers
Occupation: U.S. Coast Guard chief warrant officer
Political affiliation: Republican
Political experience: none
Office being sought: Pasco County Commissioner District 3

Why are you running for this office?
I am running for County Commissioner because it is an extension of my 27+ years of results-driven, proven leadership and dedicated public service. As a retired military officer, I bring a unique perspective to the Board of County Commissioners. We need a commissioner who will put children and citizens first, instead of someone looking out for their business or property interests. Veterans will have a true veteran advocate; county employees will have someone looking out for them; and the citizens will have a commissioner looking to create good-paying jobs, eliminate park fees, and keep pools and libraries open.
What are your top three priorities?
My top three priorities as your next County Commissioner are to create good-paying jobs, maintain county services without fees and keeping taxes low, while eliminating wasteful spending.
The Pasco Economic Development Council (PEDC) is working to bring good-paying jobs to Pasco. If the proposed 2014 Penny For Pasco funding is approved, the PEDC will receive additional funding to attract businesses to Pasco County. This, coupled with the new Mobility Fee structure, is a recipe for success and should bring much needed jobs to Pasco.
I am for eliminating park fees and keeping pools and libraries open. Citizens without jobs need access to libraries to seek employment opportunities. Citizens and visitors should be able to enjoy Pasco’s parks without being charged a usage fee (tax). Closing pools and libraries only further leads to the increase in crime. I will fight to keep taxes low and eliminate any wasteful government spending.
Why should voters choose you?
I am a Christian, citizen candidate and never previously held or ran for public office. As a life-long Republican, being fiscally conservative is in my nature. I am the only candidate in my race who both qualified by petition and resided in District 3, prior to running for office. No other candidate possesses a Master’s degree or has proven leadership as an Eagle Scout. Citizens can find the same confidence and trust in my 27+ years of military/public service that my superiors placed in me to be in charge of three Coast Guard Investigative Service offices and two multi-state regions.
What qualifications do you bring to the job?
I possess the life experience, proven leadership and a graduate education you expect from your next County Commissioner. My 27 years of experience in the military and law enforcement gives me a unique perspective to look at things the way they affect the citizens. After living all over the country and traveling all over the world, I have seen many different ways of accomplishing things in government. I have seen both what works, and what does not work. Over the course of my career, I had to make some difficult decisions based on limited information. Commissioners cannot please everyone and must make decisions based on what is the “greater good” for the citizens of Pasco. I have no property or business interests to protect; therefore, I have the best interests of the citizens in mind. The District 3 Commissioner’s seat is the people’s seat and I will not forget that.
Name: Chris Gregg
Age: 42
Residence: New Port Richey
Occupation: executive manager for AHA Laboratories Florida
Political affiliation: Republican
Political experience: member of Republican Executive Committee
Office being sought: Pasco County Commissioner District 3

Why are you running for this office?
I am running because the trends of increased debt and job losses keep getting worse. The county is planning on spending more money than we can afford. This will lead to increased taxes and more debt. No one is addressing spending less and prioritizing our budget. I’m the only candidate that recognizes that state and federal grants create debt for our children and grandchildren and is unsustainable. We need leadership that will address this issue and reverse current trends.
What are your top three priorities?
1. Increase jobs in Pasco County: County Commissioners don’t create jobs they are to regulate businesses to keep people safe and to embrace a free market where competition lowers costs and quality increases. We need to streamline our permitting office. This can be done by having workshops that business leaders and developers can provide input into how to fix a process that is too burdensome.
2. Eliminate park fees.
3. Less government spending: We need to stop buying swampland (30 plus million) and spending millions of dollars planning to spend billions on county redevelopment projects (per Richard Gehring, county growth management administrator).
Why should voters choose you?
Voters should vote for me because I understand the problems Pasco County faces today and in the near future. I have viable solutions to the problems we face. With a federal government increasing its debt on a daily basis and a state government that faces budget shortfalls annually, Pasco County is no different. I will help lead Pasco County into a future that embraces a sustainable county government that doesn’t overspend and mortgages our kids’ future.
What qualifications do you bring to the job?
I have owned my own business and understood how to make a profit and spend money wisely. I served eight years as a flight medic in the U.S. Air Force where I completed their Total Quality Management Training. Currently, I manage two laboratories in the State of Florida with over 80 employees. I will use the past 20 years of private sector experience and military leadership skills to lead this county into a better economy.
Name: Karen King
Age: 62
Residence: Holiday
Occupation: retired
Political affiliation: Republican
Political experience: served on committees by appointment
Office being sought: Pasco County Commissioner District 3

Why are you running for this office?
I moved to Pasco over 20 years ago from New Jersey and became very involved in our community. I have done countless hours of volunteer work and would like to utilize my talents and experience to better serve Pasco. Pasco County is a wonderful place to live, and I would like to be a part of the solution to the issues facing Pasco County.
What are your top three priorities?
Pasco County faces issues to do with the economy, public safety, quality of life and bringing new business to Pasco County, just to name a few.
I believe the top three priorities facing the person winning our race are learning about Pasco County and the issues we face, determining solutions and working with others to implement a plan for success.
Why should voters choose you?
My plan is to identify community needs, research issues and find solutions to move Pasco County forward. I am a self-starter with proven leadership abilities and a history of getting things done. I listen, I am accessible and I care. I will represent the residents of Pasco County and promise to do my best.
What qualifications do you bring to the job?
I have been involved with Pasco organizations for over 20 years. As a member of the West Pasco Chamber of Commerce, I have served on the Board of Directors and been chairperson for several committees. This involvement in the chamber has given me an insight into what local businesses need to help grow. I have been a member of Rotary for many years and live by the motto of “Service Above Self.” I have worked with the elderly through the Pasco Aging Network and volunteered to help our youth. I am vice chair for the VFW Ladies Auxiliary and have been a true champion for Veteran’s causes and issues. I have been a captain and volunteer for teams with the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and Relay For Life. I listen to others and help resolve issues by partnering. I work on solutions, not problems.
Name: Matt Murphy
Age: 41
Residence: New Port Richey
Occupation: utilities project manager
Political affiliation: Democrat
Political experience: none
Office being sought: Pasco County Commissioner District 3

Why are you running for this office?
The decisions we make over the next several years on the commission will shape Pasco County’s future for generations. The county is in the process of building the infrastructure for our economic development, and I want to make sure we do what’s best for all of Pasco and not just what’s best for political party insiders or special interest developers. I’m putting Pasco first!
What are your top three priorities?
1. Jobs – I will help diversify Pasco’s economy by bringing in the “right” new business and industry to Pasco. I will help provide more incentives to lure new business and enhance our existing business in Pasco.
2. Business Relationships – I will help Pasco become a great place to do business by providing the leadership necessary to revamp our permitting and customer service processes. Pasco will serve our current and perspective new business. Not the other way around. We need to be a place where people want to do business.
3. Financial Stability – I will work to streamline our budget and build reserves in the “good times” so that if a downturn in the economy takes place in the future, we will not have to raise taxes, charge park fees or sacrifice our public safety.
Why should voters choose you?
I will be a “hands on” and a “fulltime” commissioner. Pasco County needs a commissioner who has the business experience to work with the business community as well as understanding what needs to be done to build Pasco’s infrastructure for future generations. In this critical time, we need do what’s right for Pasco and not be influenced by party or special interests. I will be putting Pasco first.
What qualifications do you bring to the job?
I have worked in the utilities industry for the past 24 years. I started in the United States Air Force working in civil engineering, rebuilding and maintaining of the infrastructure on military bases. After my enlistment was over, I starting working for a multinational utility contractor rebuilding, installing and maintaining of infrastructure and electrical systems. I have worked in a dozen states working for numerous public utilities and city and county governments managing contracts in excess of 100 million dollars. I know business, budgets and infrastructure. I have degrees in Mechanical and Electrical Technology and in Business Management.
Name: Kathryn Starkey
Age: 54
Residence: Odessa
Occupation: senior advisor, Old Port Capital
Political affiliation: Republican
Political experience: two time Pasco School Board chairperson, state Greenways and Trails Council, state Humanities Council
Office being sought: Pasco County Commissioner District 3

Why are you running for this office?
Pasco is at a crossroads. We are transitioning from a rural community to a more urban one. I believe with the changes coming to the county administration, an experienced hand at local and regional government is greatly needed. I have spent 20 years as a community activist and volunteer and feel very qualified to lead. I am a dedicated and proven public servant.
What are your top three priorities?
1. Provide incentives for new and existing businesses to create jobs in our community. I am committed to building upon Pasco’s strengths and ensuring our community remains successful for future generations. Pasco has a reputation for being unfriendly to businesses. National companies have long complained that Pasco’s complex permit approval process is laborious and inefficient. I will devote time analyzing the process to find solutions.
2. Reduce our county budget and eliminate wasteful programs. As a lifelong Republican, I believe government should be lean and efficient. By increasing technology and improving our workflow, we can maximize the delivery of services by our county employees and avoid costly increases.
3. Protect our county’s natural resources and pristine environment. I believe it is our responsibility to assure future generations are able to enjoy the beautiful environment Pasco offers. I believe we need to continue protecting environmentally sensitive lands forever from development.
Why should voters choose you?
There is a clear difference between my resume and that of the other five candidates. I have successfully managed a large budget while on the school board, and a smaller one on the Pinellas Anclote River Basin Board. I am very familiar with the agencies the county works with: Tampa Bay Water, DEP, our legislators and the Tampa Bay Partnership. I have worked with these decision makers for 20 years. I have a proven track record of good public policy decision making. I do my homework and work hard.
What qualifications do you bring to the job?
I am a two-time elected school board member, with experience managing large public budgets. I have achieved relationships with key decision makers in local regional and state arenas. With a 20-year track record of policy work, I have an understanding of how local government works, from developing an ordinance through implementation. I have also acquired an understanding of the growth management and the development issues.
The traits I believe strongly in, honesty, integrity and hard work ethic, will guide me as a member of the county commission.
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