PASCO COUNTY – The Pasco Board of County Commissioners envision a thriving community that offers enhanced quality of life and economic prosperity.
The Pasco County 2025-2030 Strategic Plan, developed over the past 18 months with community input, will guide the government’s actions and activities over the next five years as it works toward becoming Florida’s premier county.
“With input from our community, we identified the key challenges we’re facing now and will be facing in the future,” said Kathryn Starkey, who chairs the commission. “Our Strategic Plan is designed to address these challenges, including long-term sustainability, while continuing our commitment to outstanding customer service.”
Three strategic priorities frame this work. Each is supported by strategic goals, accomplished through comprehensive strategies, detailed action plans and targeted initiatives:
Create a Thriving Community
Provide a sustainable foundation for health, safety, mobility
- GOAL 1.1: Improve the capacity and capability of emergency service response.
- GOAL 1.2: Protect vulnerable critical assets and communities from extreme conditions.
- GOAL 1.3: Complete revisions to the Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan) and expeditiously update priority portions of the Land Development Code.
Enhance Quality of Life
Provide equitable human services, social, cultural and recreational opportunities for all
- GOAL 2.1: Make homelessness rare, brief and non-recurrent.
- GOAL 2.2: Increase availability and access to cultural, educational, recreational and social opportunities for all.
- GOAL 2.3: Ensure protection and conservation of natural ecosystems.
Drive Economic Growth and Prosperity
Support a sustainable increase in community income and investment, economic diversification and expanded opportunities for all
- GOAL 3.1: Increase the supply of affordable and attainable housing inventory.
- GOAL 3.2: Support the redevelopment of stressed communities.
- GOAL 3.3: Increase support of small businesses and entrepreneurship.