By B.C. Manion
Less than a year ago, Susan Sisk was looking at a set of blueprints, envisioning the kind of gymnastics and dance studio that she and partner Jill Bosack would be opening in Land O’ Lakes.
Sisk pictured a place with plenty of space for a wide assortment of gymnastics and dance classes for children and adults. She envisioned parents watching their children, in a spacious observation area — with glass windows looking into the dance studio and the gym.

Her dream is closer to becoming a reality.
The interior of the 12,000-square-foot facility will be finished over the summer, Sisk said. In the meantime, The Dance and Gymnastics Academy of Tampa is gearing up to begin holding classes and summer camps at its new location, 33633 Venezia Drive (near the corner of SR 54 and Livingston Road).
The new building is a multi-colored concrete structure that exceeds even the latest hurricane codes, Sisk said.
She and Bosack are so eager to show off their new location that they’ve planned a slate of special grand-opening activities for May 26-28.
“This project has been a long time coming,” said Bosack, who oversees the gymnastics program. “We are just so excited and thrilled to be able to offer this new building, with our great programs, to the community.”
Those familiar with the former dance and gymnastics center will notice some big differences right away.
The new location is about 2.5 times as large as its previous location. It also has much more parking. The new building has a 2,000-square-foot dance floor.
Breaking the dance studio into four separate spaces and hiring other teachers would have allowed the academy to make more money, Sisk said.
But she’s not in it just for the money, Sisk said.
“I have many girls in my studio right now that I’ve known since they were just out of pull-ups and now they’re getting their license. I watched them get their first boyfriend. I watched them get their first part-time job. I get to watch them grow up. How many jobs do you get to do that?
“I love it that I saw her when she was 8 and 12 and 15. I saw her in her homecoming dress and went to her wedding. That’s the part of this business I don’t ever want to get away from,” Sisk said.
The larger facility also will be able to accommodate the equipment needed for men’s gymnastics and will have an in-ground pit, giving gymnasts a safe place to practice new skills before they can stick the landings.
Another advantage of the new location is the ability to host meets, Sisk said. In the past, its team always had to travel to meets to compete.
Besides being sturdy, the building lacks windows and a lot of people may wonder why, Sisk said. It was a decision she and Bosack made, after careful deliberation.
“I just didn’t want anyone to sit in my parking lot and be able to look in this window at little girls in their leotards.”
“I hate that that’s a consideration,” Sisk said. Unfortunately, she said, it is.
If you go
5 p.m. Thursday, May 26: Ribbon-cutting ceremony with the Central Pasco Chamber of Commerce.
7-10 p.m. Friday, May 27: Open gym, with a $10 per child charge which includes pizza dinner, snacks and drinks, lots of game and free play time.
9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, May 28: Open house with a bounce house, a magician, balloon animals, face painting. There will be a minimal charge for popcorn, snow cones, cotton candy. Money raised from the refreshment sales will benefit the girls’ competitive team.
For more information, call (813) 949-7875 or visit
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