Usually, Santa is on the giving end of things.
But, not this time.
Santa Paul, also known as Paul Bartell, recently received an Honorary Paul Harris Fellow Award for Community Service from the Wesley Chapel Noon Rotary Club.
The award was presented on March 8 at Hunter’s Green Country Club, during the Rotary of Wesley Chapel Noon’s first Foundation Dinner, an event the club plans to host every year.
Bartell was recognized for the many good deeds he performs, both undercover as Santa Paul, and more directly through his Relay for Life activities.

(Laura Hauser photo courtesy of Paul Bartell)
Bartell and his wife also have been heavily involved in their children’s schools, have worked to raise scholarship funds to honor their son, Sean, who died from a rare condition at the age of 16, and for their tradition of opening their home at the holidays to spread Christmas cheer.
Santa Paul is widely known around Wesley Chapel.
He’s been playing Santa for charity since 1995.
He volunteers for eight schools in Pasco and one in Hillsborough County.
He dons his Santa costume so school PTAs can raise money through “Cookies with Santa” or “Photos with Santa” events. Over the years, he’s played Santa to roughly 30,000 children, include 3,750 in 2015.
He and his wife, Jamie, also have opened their home during the holidays. As Santa and Mrs. Claus, they share cookies, fudge, punch and music at their home, which is decked out to the max. Those visiting can also have their photo taken with Santa in his sleigh, and Santa gives a gift to each child who visits. Last year, 847 guests dropped by.
Bartell also has been involved with Relay for Life since 1991, serving as a team captain for the last eight years.
He also has been active at his children’s schools since 2003.
After their 16-year-old son died, Bartell and his wife rallied to pass on Sean’s legacy by creating a memorial scholarship. This year, they plan to give four $1,000 scholarships.
Bartell also does his Santa gig for company Christmas parties, using the money he earns from them to help support the scholarship fund and to buy presents for children visiting his home during the holidays.
Bartell was both surprised and delighted to receive the Rotary Club’s honor, particularly in light of the caliber of the other nominees, he said.
In a Facebook posting, he said: “This award is a great honor in the Rotary community, and I am truly honored to have been chosen.”
Sean Bartell Memorial Scholarship
What: Second annual Pasta Dinner Fundraiser
When: April 16 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Where: Trinity Church of Wesley Chapel, 33425 State Road 54
Cost: Advanced tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for kids ages 5 to 10, free for kids younger than age 5. The price at the door is $12 for adults, $6 for kids ages 5 to 10. Tickets are available by calling Paul Bartell at (813) 416-9238, or at Atonement Lutheran Church, 29617 State Road 54 in Wesley Chapel.
To-go boxes will be available.
Published April 6, 2016
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