By Kyle LoJacono
Each year, Toys for Tots allows thousands of needy children in Pasco and Hillsborough counties to have that moment of excitement while opening presents Christmas morning.

The need for the program has become even greater in recent years and East Pasco Toys for Tots coordinator Bob Loring did not want to run out of gifts like the program did in 2002.
“That year at the Dade City distribution we ran out of toys early,” Loring said. “It broke my heart that we could not assist many of our folks. I still have that nightmare from time to time.
“We expect more requests for assistance than ever before and I’m hoping everyone will give something to help a child have a Christmas,” Loring continued. “The reasons are self evident. Bad economy, forecloses and layoffs are rampant throughout our fair community.”
The East Pasco chapter covers the entire county east of US 41. Loring is expecting 4,500 children to be registered for help this year. The story is similar in Hillsborough, where Sgt. Anton Spivey will not be surprised if record numbers turn out for help.
“The need is just so great right now,” said Spivey, Toys for Tots volunteer with the Tampa chapter. “You hear from hundreds of parents each day who want to make sure their kids have something special on Christmas.”
Both volunteers are or were involved with the Marines, which started the program in 1947.
“I’m honored to have this opportunity to assist our children in need,” Loring said. “What could be a higher calling? I firmly believe that we need to mobilize the community around supporting our at-risk children. I still firmly believe in the American dream and I want all our kids to at least have a shot at it. We can do this, and in my view we must try.”
Herb Roshell, coordinator for the Land O’ Lakes distribution site, fondly remembers one parent who received a bike for her child from the program.
“We’d been holding onto a bike at a drive the year before last and wanted to give it to someone who really needed something special,” Roshell said. “Then one lady came in and when we told her she could take the bike for her child she couldn’t even speak. She just hugged us and thanked us for 20 minutes because she knew it would make her family’s Christmas.”
Roshell also thanked the Interact Club at Land O’ Lakes High for helping at the distribution each year and also added a group of Sunlake High students would help the process this year.
In Hillsborough, registered families can pick up their toys until Dec. 17 at 22 different locations. For information on registering or to donate, call (813) 805-7020 or visit
Pasco has five distribution sites east of US 41, including Land O’ Lakes, Wesley Chapel, Zephyrhills, Dade City and Lacoochee. All toys will be distributed Dec. 17. Loring works directly with the public schools to identify the most needy children and registers them.
For the children not in public schools, Loring works through Premier Community Health Care, which handles Pasco Medicaid families.
“I am confident that we are assisting the most needy children and families,” Loring said. “These counselors personally know the families and the children. I like our method very much and have great confidence in this dandy partnership.”
To find the nearest toy drop-off location in Pasco or for more information, visit
Along with the toys, Loring has worked to make a program called Food for Tots, which gives food and other needed items to the children along with toys. He does it with the different name because the Marines have a very specific goal for their program and cannot divert from it.
“It’s just like shopping without a cashier,” Loring said of how the distribution works in Pasco. “At some of the stations, parents also get to take socks and toothbrushes for the kids. We also give out food to the parents. They get frozen chickens with all the fixings for a Christmas dinner.”
To make any donations to the Food for Tots, e-mail Loring at .
How to help
Toys for Tots will hold mailbox toy drives on Saturday, Dec. 4 to help collect enough gifts for the thousands of children. It is the largest drive for the program each year. To donate to the cause, place new, unwrapped toys by a home mailbox and the mail carrier will bring it to the nearest chapter. All toys must be new and unwrapped to be accepted.
electia says
I live in port richey Fl. pasco county. I rewuesting infomation on where and how i could collect toys for my three kids this .Please email me the infomation . Thanks & Merry Christmas!
kloJacono says
The best thing to do is go on the Toys for Tots website in the story.