Founder’s look-alike contest added too
By Kyle LoJacono
Staff Writer
ZEPHYRHILLS — It seems like everyone is doing things a little bigger for the 100th birthday celebration of Zephyrhills.

The official announcement will come Jan. 20 at the Main Street Zephyrhills Inc. board of directors meeting, but the Founder’s Day parade will have 10 grand marshals for the first time this year.
“We’ve been working on the list of potential candidates for a while now,” said Gary Hatrick, one of people on the grand marshal selection committee. “We’ll be sending out letters soon to see if everyone will accept the nominations.”
Hatrick takes freelance photographs for The Laker.
The committee has received approval from Brenda Welcher, MSZI executive director. Welcher said the original plan was to have just one grand marshal, but the idea grew from there.
“We didn’t want to pick just one person to represent the entire city of Zephyrhills for the last 100 years,” Hatrick said. “Since the parade is divided by decades, we felt it would be best to pick one person to represent each decade. That seemed more fair and could help people learn the history of the city.”

The Founder’s Day parade will be March 13 in downtown Zephyrhills. The parade’s theme is “Celebration of Generations,” with one float for each decade.
Each grand marshal will be selected for their decade either because they or one of their family members made a big impact on Zephyrhills during that time. The committee did not release a list of potential grand marshals, but did say they wanted to have a descendant of the city’s founder, Howard Barth Jeffries, as one of them.
Jeffries came to what was formally called Abbott Station in 1909. He bought 35,000 acres of land from James Lee Greer, and later founded the new city on March 10, 2010.
“I think it is a wonderful idea to have 10 grand marshals and divide the parade up like they are,” said Madonna Wise, Zephyrhills historian and former Zephyrhills High history teacher. “I think it enriches all of Founder’s Day and will really give people a feel for the history of each decade. Brenda Welcher has done a great job with the idea.”
Wise has either taught or been an administrator at Zephyrhills High, Stewart Middle and Centennial and West Zephyrhills elementary schools. She has also written a book on the city, “Zephyrhills,” which will be released Feb. 24.
MSZI has also decided to add a Jeffries look-alike contest at Founder’s Day this year.
“It was my idea to have a look-alike contest,” Hatrick said. “I first wanted to have a beard contest and it turned into this. People liked the idea and I hope we can make it an annual event at Founder’s Day. Maybe it can turn into like what they do with Ernest Hemingway down in Key West each year.”
The Hemingway look-alike contest in Key West happens each summer.
“The look-alike contest is fine, but I’d like to see it include more than just Jeffries and have some diversity,” Wise said. “Maybe include Mrs. Jeffries and some famous African-Americans from Zephyrhills. I do think it’s a great way to build interest in Founder’s Day. Not that it needs any more though because everyone knows about it.”
The new contest may in time become a big event, but the highlight of Founder’s Day is the parade.
“I’m really excited about the parade because I’ll be dressing up like an equestrian and riding in a decorated carriage from the 1910s to 1920s,” Wise said. “Now I just have to convince my husband to come along and dress up with me.”
For more information on upcoming centennial events in Zephyrhills, visit
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