Milo, a Shih Tzu, came from a sweet elderly lady who was no longer able to take care of him. Kaitlyn Walrath, of Lutz, said Milo has blessed her home for two years now and brings her joy and companionship. Milo loves spreading Christmas cheer in his many themed outfits and loves walking the neighborhood scoping out the decorations.
Quiche has Christmas spirit
Good morning!
Stanley has a name filled with pride
A safe place to roam
Lucy is very sweet
A hearty meal
Shirley Arnold snapped this photo of a great blue heron about to enjoy its catch, at Zephyr Park in Zephyrhills. Great blue herons wade slowly or stand statue-like when they are hunting. They stalk fish and other prey in shallow water or open fields. These birds use their strong bills to stab their prey with a lightning-fast thrust of the neck and head.
All Attie wants is to be loved
Reporting for duty
Trip likes to shop
All dogs are special, but Trip is the champ. Nearing the golden age of 13, he has the spunk of a puppy that his owners fell in love with at first sight. Trip does his own shopping, even taking his purchase to the checkout where he waits for Dan and Pat Weaver to pay — which they gladly do as a reward for the good boy that he is. Trip lives in Dade City with the Weavers.